Thursday, July 28, 2011

McCain attacks Tea Party, Stu goes off

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July 28, 2011
On Today's Program

McCain lashes out at Tea Party, Stu loses his mind
John McCain is lashing out at the Tea Party and blaming them for holding up any decision on the debt ceiling battle - and he's also offering his advice on the situation. As Stu gracefully yet semi-maniacally pointed out on radio: Why would anyone listen to John McCain, a guy who "lost Indiana to a socialist"? Get the latest on the debt battle and watch Stu lose his mind on radio today HERE.  
Hmm, where'd racist anti-Tea Party nut get his nutty ideas?
Glenn played the audio of an anti-Tea Party protester who angrily declared the Tea Party as completely racist, ironically sounding pretty racist himself in the process. Since there are no demonstrable examples of Tea Party racism - where oh where did this guy ever get the idea? HINT: A familiar leftist news network plays a role. WATCH
The indoctrination onslaught: What's the best way to prepare your child for the culture war they're unwittingly a part of? The latest Markdown partner Backyard Drills has the answer...get the details at

The Making of GBTV - Episode 3
Glenn's new show launches 9/12 on GBTV - in the meantime watch Glenn's biggest project yet be built from the ground up. A new episode of "The Making of GBTV" is available on demand -- watch the new episode and all the previous episodes HERE. ALSO available on GBTV tomorrow is a new episode of "Uncensored" where SE Cupp sits down with Congressman Paul Ryan – check out a free clip HERE.
Shocking: Poll shows Muslim Brotherhood candidate will win in Egypt
And the media is finally beginning to catch up to where Glenn was during the glorious Democratic revolution in the Middle East. Newsweek is suddenly expressing a little concern at the shocking (to them) fact that the Muslim Brotherhood candidate will likely win the upcoming election. But there were even more disturbing numbers in the poll - how many Egyptians view Israel in a positive light? Find out at The Blaze.
Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt = not good for Israel 
As seen above, the latest poll results are very disturbing to Israel. Support among citizens in Egypt is scant, and the nation they'd most like to model? Turkey, who just moved to Islamic Law.  It's just one of the many factors that are not breaking the right way for Israel - and all the more indication that NOW is the time to stand with Israel. They cannot be left to defend themselves alone. Even if you can't make it to Israel - find a way (no matter how big or small) to show your support. Donate, host/attend a viewing party, 'Like' the Restoring Courage Facebook page - and let your voice be heard. You will be able to have total access of all the events on GBTV.
Instilling the right values in your children – responsibility, self-reliance and strength of character can feel impossible. Let help with a 4-DVD set from Backyard Drills at 67% off the original value. Teach your children life lessons while also guiding them through the fundamentals of football with Bill Parcells. One extra benefit of this deal: a 2-DVD set will be sent to a charity focused on strengthening character and instilling values in children, compliments of you – for free! Visit
Today's Hollywood idiot: George Lopez -- who said he's leaving the country if Sarah Palin wins the White House. Why not just leave now, George? DETAILS.

Best part is this was on a fuel efficient Toyota - LOOK.
Jay Carney attacks Fox again
You know the White House is losing the argument very, very badly when the only answer they have is to blame Fox News. For the second day in a row, Fox reporter Ed Henry was accused of having an agenda even though he's asking completely normal questions, and even though he came to Fox from CNN. Glenn has the audio and explains why Carney is singling out Fox this time - check it out HERE.
Glenn's controversial new shirt: What will the press say about THIS?
Harry Reid's got 'prollems': Glenn, Pat & Stu have uncovered a crucial & overlooked element to the debt ceiling debate - Harry Reid can't say the word 'problem' -- the shocking audio on radio today WATCH.
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