Friday, July 29, 2011

Glenn vs Stu: See the heated debate on radio today

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July 29, 2011
On Today's Program

Obama's latest comments on debt debate
Get out the duct tape - President Obama briefly spoke to the nation about the ongoing debt debate in Washington, DC. Instead of reassuring the nation and the world that America will meet obligations to keep its AAA rating, he unnecessarily said if Republicans don't go along with what he wants, we'll lose our AAA rating. He's completely lying, of course - find out why - WATCH
Glenn vs. Stu: As promised, Stu got his chance to go mano a mano with Glenn over whether or not to go forward with the 'Death to Tyranny' 1791 clothing line Glenn is producing. Who won? Listen to the debate and decide. WATCH.
Obama's disturbing pattern
As President Obama and the left outlandishly argue that because of Republicans the world is about to collapse - Glenn looks at each 'crisis' America has faced under Obama. There's a striking similarity in each scenario - Glenn goes through each and highlights what Obama told the American people. Will we fall for it again? Get the details at!
The indoctrination onslaught: What's the best way to prepare your child for the culture war they're unwittingly a part of? The latest Markdown partner Backyard Drills has the answer...get the details at

Egypt a 'stable situation'? Ummm, not so much
During the glorious Arab Spring, Glenn was relentlessly mocked by liberal AND conservative commentators for his supposedly crazy, irrational concerns that this may not be the best thing for the Middle East. The results are coming in for Egypt, and it's not looking so good. Get the latest on Egypt and how the Muslim Brotherhood is poised to sweep (shocker!) at The Blaze.
Heritage Action Debt Limit Petition: Tell Washington to Stop Phony Deals!

Washington is abuzz with phony debt deals. Instead of solving our spending-induced debt crisis, Washington is delivering more of the same: secretive deals, gimmicks, and tax increases. Our children and grandchildren deserve better. Tell Washington "No More." Sign the Petition Now.

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Making of GBTV episode causes controversy at Mercury
The cameras have been rolling at Mercury Radio Arts for the last few months and GBTV subscribers are now getting a behind the scenes look at what happens when Glenn comes up with his next big idea. Glenn gave his review of Episode 3 in The Making of GBTV series and was, to say the least, quite surprised. Check out Glenn's review HERE, and watch the latest Making of GBTV episode HERE. PLUS: Don't miss a new episode of "Uncensored" with Paul Ryan available TODAY only on GBTV!

WATCH: Join GBTV Correspondent Raj Nair as he explores the HaCarmel Market in Tel Aviv, Israel! FREE CLIP
Glenn: Don't ever call it 'West Bank' again
Glenn brings a little history on radio today that you've probably never heard - mainly because of the media agenda. It's not rocket science, but if you ignore something long enough eventually it's forgotten. The area that's called the West Bank is really the same area you've most definitely heard of before - what is it? The amazing answer on radio today
PLUS: Glenn joins 700 Club to talk Restoring Courage with Pat Robertson – WATCH. Get all the details on the upcoming Restoring Courage event HERE
The numbers that show how bad the economy really is: See them at THE BLAZE
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