Wednesday, July 6, 2011

The Lost Chapters: Number 74

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July 06, 2011
On Today's Program

Original Argument: The Lost Chapters. Translated by Joshua Charles
Glenn couldn't fit all the Federalist Paper translations into his #1 NYT bestselling book The Original Argument -- all this week you'll be getting the Lost Chapters. Today's is on Military Command and Pardon power. Here's a sample:
If I am not mistaken, the wisdom of giving the President the power of pardoning has only been objected to as it relates to the crime of treason. It has been argued that the power to pardon treason should have required the agreement of one, or both Houses of Congress. I won't deny that there are good reasons to require the involvement of one or both Houses of Congress in dealing with pardoning treason. Since treason is a crime which is directed at society as a whole, once it has been lawfully determined that treason was committed, it would seem appropriate to require the consent of Congress in order to show mercy towards whoever was convicted. This should actually be how pardoning treason should be dealt with, since it is not entirely possible to rule out a conspiracy of some sort on the part of the President. But there are also many significant problems with such a plan.
WATCH: Click HERE to watch Glenn sit down with co-author of The Original Argument, Joshua Charles, and discuss the translating process and the role faith plays in preserving the Founders' intent.
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GBTV: Class is back in session at Beck University!
The third semester of Beck University continues on July 13th with a brand new class: The Economic Consequences of Ideology available only on GBTV. Unravel the web of intrigue that is the Middle East's oil production and how that affects America and the rest of the world. 
Falling behind in your curriculum? Now's your chance to catch up with the 3rd Semester of Beck University – all previous classes are available on demand. In the first class - Understanding the History of Israel - experience the struggles and tragedies of one of the most embattled nations in the world. In the second class - Understanding the Holy Land: Conflicts of Faith - you'll learn the dynamics of the world's different religions and how they revolve around the city of Jerusalem. Log on to GBTV to catch up on your studies and mark your calendars for the July 13th release of The Economic Consequences of Ideology!
Restoring Courage: How can you support the event in Israel or attend a viewing party in your area? Get all the details HERE.
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