Friday, December 9, 2011

PIC: Most offensive building ever? S. Korea's hideous 9/11 insult

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December 09, 2011
On Today's Program

GBTV: Glenn lays out his vision for 2012 and beyond in an inspirational episode last night explaining Restoring Love and what's to come. Watch for FREE the full episode of last night's announcement and pre-register to see Glenn and thousands more in Dallas this July!

Occupy Wall Street the new law in town?
One of the 72 Law/Order/SVU/CSI/IBS type shows was attempting to tape an episode about Occupy Wall Street encampments but were shut down when the actual Occupy group complained. Yep, they didn't like how the movement was being portrayed. Hmmmm perhaps they didn't show enough rapes and sexual assaults? Glenn reacts to the apparent new sheriff in town: Occupy. WATCH
Cure for Cancer near?
Glenn hosted a benefit in his Manhattan office last night and a big reason for that was his excitement over a new possible treatment that doctors believe could possibly be a major breakthrough. How did an idea starting with pie tins and hotdogs possibly lead to symptom free cancer treatment? Glenn explains on radio today. How can you donate? Get those details HERE.
Cold season is here: PREPARE for any roadside emergency! has the 27 piece emergency auto kit from EverSafe that will have you ready for anything...check out the limited discount offer HERE.

Corzine: I don't know anything about anything
Former New Jersey Governor Jon Corzine stood before a panel yesterday and answered questions about the missing $1.2 billion dollars from the embattled MF Global. His answer? Hey, there are a lot of transactions and I have no idea what happened. But I sure am disturbed about it! This pathetic answer led Glenn to declare 'you are being robbed'. Get the full story HERE.
Dave Barton takes on Stewart's 'Founders didn't care about Christmas' claim
Frat boy fav Jon Stewart, who is known for adding swears to his jokes and talking about what cable news hosts say, made quite an interesting claim this week about Christmas. He claimed that the Founders didn't care about it and revered the holiday about as much as 7-11 does (quack quack). This led to a feud between Stewart and PolitiFact: David Barton stops by to settle the score. WATCH
Being George Washington: Agonizingly boring history has made Americans stop investigating the indispensable man. Glenn and Pat mock one such example of said boring history - WATCH.

New episode of The B.S. of A TONIGHT: Tune in at 7:00pm ET tonight for the all new episode of The B.S. of A. – GBTV's new comedy show that isn't written by liberal hacks. Check out free highlights and if you miss an episode they are available on demand only on GBTV Plus. Plus from the brilliant folks over at The B.S. of A. comes a way to cover your naked torso while at the same time showing love for the show you wish you'd grown up with. Check out the new t-shirt HERE.
The Video That Will Get Obama Fired: At a private dinner in Palm Beach, Fla., famed economist and New York Times best-selling author Robert Wiedemer prophetically warned "You see, the medicine will become the poison . . ." See the same charts he showed that very night, Click Here.

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The most offensive building ever? South Korea's 9/11
It's quite a unique design but it so clearly looks like the World Trade Center towers when they were attacked by terrorists on 9/11/01. Is this building - which is still on track for construction - a purposeful slam on America? Is it a celebration of the terrorist attacks that killed 3,000 innocent Americans? Glenn reacts today -- get that and the picture of the design HERE.
Cop Killer Mumia Abu Jamal death sentence overturned: Glenn reacts on radio today to the overturning of Mumia Abu Jamal's death sentence and to his supporters rallying in Philadelphia. Will he eventually go free? Glenn has more HERE.
Indefinite Detention for America?
Glenn talks about what he referred to as possibly the 'worst' bill America has ever considered, which passed the Senate last night by a vote of 93-7. It's written vaguely enough that it could mean Americans could be held indefinitely for 'suspected' terrorism...Glenn reacts to the National Authorization Act on radio today. WATCH
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