Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Glenn's latest unfortunate NYC elevator encounter

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December 14, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: With the caucus beginning just after the New Year, Glenn hosts a round table getting everyone prepared for political craziness before they unplug for the Christmas break. That plus Stu attempts to cross the Delaware where George Washington did - can he pull it off? Find out tonight at 5pm only on GBTV!
What's it take to get off the grid? Find out on GBTV's new reality show Independence USA! Premiering this January 18th, follow one American dad determined to have his family prepared for anything -- even if they don't really want to be. Can they get off the grid? Meet the family and watch the preview trailer HERE
Harry Reid: Millionaire job creators are like unicorns
Amazingly Harry Reid is still a United States Senator. Especially surprising because he rivals Joe Biden's notorious gaffe count. The latest idiocy from Reid: millionaires that create jobs 'don't exist'. Who is creating all of the jobs then, Harry? Street bums? Glenn reacts to Reid's comments on radio today. WATCH
Real unemployment = 20%?
Glenn, Pat & Stu go over the latest dismal unemployment numbers and investigate the possibility that real unemployment is much, much higher. Could unemployment be as high as the 15% to 25% unemployment we saw in the great depression? The way the unemployment number is calculated has been changed over the years - not surprisingly it's become much more complicated. Could it be to make it easier for politicians to hide the damage they're inflicting? WATCH

Ann Coulter: Newt 'tied with Ron Paul as the least conservative candidate' - full story from The Blaze
TIME's "Person of the Year": The Protester
It shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone that TIME has announced 'The Protester' as the person of the year. Of course, the Tea Party was largely ignored by TIME the past few years -- but when liberals start defecating on cop cars and raping in the park - now that's a movement? Glenn reacts to the news on radio today. WATCH
Glenn's interview with Senator Mike Lee re: Defense Authorization Act
Yesterday Glenn spoke with Congressman Allen West about the controversial and vague Defense Authorization Act which seems to give government power to detain American citizens who are merely 'suspected' of a terrorist act. Congressman West argued for it, Senator Lee is very much against it. Hear his argument on radio today. WATCH

Gift for the Kids! has a great Christmas gift for your children or grandchildren! Share the spirit of Christmas with this heartwarming 3 book set including Christmas in America, The Christmas Snowman AND The Night Before Christmas - all at 40% off! Visit for details. 
Electricity Breakthrough? 
47-year-old patriot discovers "weird" trick to slash power bill & end slavery to electricity monopoly forever. Discover how he did it...before they shut him down. Click Here To Read More.

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Glenn Beck to LJ: I don't think this is the Christmas shirt that people want to buy
Glenn Beck summoned his director of merchandise LJ Herman to the studio today demanding an explanation to the bizarre Christmas shirt LJ planned to sell. Would anyone in their right mind buy this to celebrate Christmas? Take a look and decide for yourself. VIEW
New Yorker to Glenn: 'there's a monster in the elevator!'
Ok that's not exactly what she said, but it was close enough. Glenn's last week in New York City has been one chock-full of even more reasons to vacate immediately. Many of the people are just plain horrible - like this clown who Glenn rode in an elevator with last night. What did he and his wife do to try and stick it to Glenn? Find out on radio today. WATCH
Sign of the times: 'Keep Christ in Christmas' sign stirs controversy – DETAILS
Christmas Special - Songs, Tears, and the true meaning of Christmas  
Great Christmas special on GBTV last night delivered in typical Glenn Beck fashion. Common Sense, tears, love and music. Fortunately it wasn't Glenn who was the one singing - actual singers did that. You can check out Glenn's first Christmas Special on GBTV now available on demand -- watch free highlights HERE.
Building On The American Heritage Series:  Historian David Barton is back with his second installment of the popular American Heritage Series.  Order the 6 DVD Set Now!
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