Wednesday, November 23, 2011

The shock audio you must play at Thanksgiving

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November 23, 2011
On Today's Program

Washington's Lost History: Great segment featuring a roundtable of George Washington experts reveals some amazing history about George Washington that has been erased by progressives. Why & how did they do it? Find out in this FREE GBTV segment! It's time to take our history back – don't elect another president until you know what made our first one so great. Order your copy of Glenn's new book, Being George Washington now.

Glenn's hitting the road: Beginning next Thursday, Glenn is hitting the road to sign copies of his new book. Find out if he will be stopping by your city HERE.
Glenn & SE Cupp react to GOP debate
Who performed well at the debate last night? Who didn't? Glenn interviewed SE Cupp on the program today to talk about all things debate, especially the recent rise of Newt Gingrich. SE takes issue with this recent surge, questioning conservatives as to why they are willing to ignore the many betrayals to conservatism Newt has committed. Check out the interview from radio today WATCH.
Newt vs. Mitt - who's worse?
It's looking more and more like either Newt Gingrich or Mitt Romney will end up being the GOP Presidential nominee. Both aren't exactly the ideal conservative, but since we're apparently stuck with 'em - which one is worse? Glenn, Pat & Stu run down the positives and negatives of each. It isn't pretty. WATCH

MSNBC praises... Michele Bachmann? This stunning turn of events after last night's debate has Glenn rethinking his support for Congresswoman Bachmann...what did MSNBC say about the Congresswoman? WATCH
The audio you MUST play for your families at Thanksgiving
For all of your family members and friends who are still under the assumption that everything is business as usual in America - have them take a listen to this stunning audio Glenn played on radio today. A seemingly never ending reel of OWS protester after protester calling for violence and the destruction of Capitalism. The threat is real and it isn't going away - LISTEN and SHARE.
RIP Joy Behar program: Gone way too soon. Glenn doesn't know anything about her - but Stu had a few, eh, choice things to say on radio today. WATCH
Another liberal scandal the media will ignore: Climategate 2! More devastating emails covering up environmentalist lies are released. Read them in Stu's latest blog.
Over 250 Choices of Chocolate Goodness...
Markdown has a delicious deal today from! Get $30 of value for only $15 on select products at With choices like chocolate covered popcorn and chocolate pizza – you can't go wrong! Get all of the mouthwatering details at 
OWS targets the President
Disturbing audio coming out of a recent rally stop for the President of the United States where OWS protesters abruptly interrupted in the middle of Obama's speech and called for a 'mic check!' several times. It was hard to hear the exact demand of the group - but one thing in the audio clip stood out to Glenn. What was it? Find out HERE.
Did you miss last night's hilarious B.S. of A. Thanksgiving special? You can check it out on demand and also check out FREE highlights including Pilgrim Funnies – great fun for the entire family!
Daily Beast on The B.S. of A: Glenn Beck's 'Daily Show' Is the Right's Latest Bid at Funny – READ.
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