Monday, November 7, 2011

Occupy finally has a 'Declaration'

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November 07, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight: Glenn exposes how Occupy Wall Street is merely a repeat of history tonight live at 5pm ET. 
Wednesday: Glenn hits the road for the CMAs and will be talking to some of country music's biggest stars from Nashville. GBTV will bring you a behind-the-scenes tour of the 'Home of Country Music' - a live celebration of everything country.
Thursday: Features Glenn's announcement of the Third Great Awakening
Friday: It's the much anticipated debut of Brian Sack's B.S. of A. comedy program (watch the PREVIEW), along with a special showing of The Hiding Place. Sign up for GBTV now to catch this fantastic week of programs! Glenn previews the week on radio WATCH.

SNL does rare funny bit
Saturday Night Live did something extremely rare this weekend when they performed a bit that was actually funny. It was on the Greek economic crisis and they were mocking Greece's inability to handle the problem by acting out how the Greek Gods were handling the crisis. The irony in the bit was that it was produced by the same type of people who are supportive of the Occupy movement -- a movement that wants to accelerate us down the same path Greece took. Glenn plays some of the bit and reacts on radio today. WATCH

Judge tosses 'Kick a Jew day' lawsuit
Glenn's prediction that anti-Semitism is on the rise gains more evidence with each passing day. From the polls that reveal 35 million Americans have anti-Semitic tendencies to the less subtle things such as 'Kick a Jew Day,' hate keeps popping up at schools around the country. Glenn talks about how the lawsuit seeking to further look into the 'Kick a Jew Day' incident at a Florida school was dismissed. Where are we headed? Glenn has more on radio today. WATCH
Thanksgiving is almost here! Cheesy mashed potatoes and gravy, creamy butter sliding down your corn on the cob and a plate of turkey packed to the brim – Thanksgiving is almost here! Today's Markdown deal from CHEFS, including a try-ply roasting pan, turkey lifters and a serving platter will have you ready for the best Thanksgiving in years. Visit for details. 
The town that proves 'change' is possible
You want to change things?  It's not going to change on the national level or the international level.  It is going to change at the local level.  That's where we need to concentrate.  The town of Vernon, New Jersey did it and it's incredible -- Glenn talked to the people of this small town last Thursday. Get the details from radio HERE.
Help Glenn and FreedomWorks for America FIRE OBAMA!

Glenn says, "With grassroots organization, the Left CAN be outfought."  Please make a gift of $ 20.12 by Nov 12 to help us mobilize the grassroots to FIRE OBAMA - please give today! You'll get a "FIRE OBAMA!" bumper sticker with your $20.12 gift.  Donate now.

Sponsor Message
Declaration of Occupation of New York
Glenn reads through the Declaration of Occupation of New York to see how it stacks up with the other great Declarations in human history. How does it fare against such classics as The Declaration of Independence? Find out as Glenn takes a close look at what the so-called 99%ers believe you believe is the right thing to do. WATCH
Revisiting STORM - Why did it close down?
STORM is the radical revolutionary group that was organized by Van Jones and was essentially a militant revolutionary group. The document they released detailing the ins and outs of the organization as well as their successes and failures is fascinating and sheds some light on how radicals like Van Jones think. It also shows what brought them down -- interestingly, the main thing that destroyed them is the same thing plaguing OWS right now: sexual assaults and the suppression of these sexual assaults by leaders. Glenn has more on radio today. WATCH
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