Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Movie: Jesus was a communist

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November 02, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Why does Obama want to model America after Europe when they are about to collapse? Tonight a look at the EU financial crisis and how it will impact America...5pm on GBTV! Get Glenn's preview commentary HERE.
GBTV expands its production and operations teamDETAILS.
College professor working with Muslim Brotherhood, CAIR files lawsuit on Catholic University
Don't think that religious liberty is under attack? A progressive professor has decided to file a complaint on behalf of Muslim students who haven't even complained about not being recognized as an official prayer group. Agenda is always more important to progressives than actual people - get the story HERE.
EXCLUSIVE: Glenn says his new book The Snow Angel is one of the best stories he's ever told. It may also be one of the most important.  Based in part on his real life experience, The Snow Angel shows how insidious abuse, in all of its forms, really is.  Breaking the cycle is something that can take generations to accomplish. Follow the journey from heartbreak to hope. WATCH the new trailer now!

Buy things that last - even if your clothes don't give you special powers
Glenn was having a very serious discussion about buying clothing that lasts, but he made the mistake of saying that he could fish, hunt, and chop wood in his Ralph Lauren shirt. Pat and Stu decided to call him out and explain to him that no matter what kind of shirt he decides to wear it won't magically turn him into a modern day Paul Bunyan. WATCH.
Are we a Christian Nation?
If you feel like stirring up trouble, try telling your friends America is a Christian nation. On radio this morning, Glenn explored the answer to this question with David Barton and used his wealth of historical knowledge to make the case that America is, and always has been, a Christian nation. WATCH!
SHOCKER: Public safety 'a very big concern' at 'Occupy' protests 
Rape. Drug Use. Assaults. Theft. The 'Occupy' protests are a hotbed of criminal activity and the crowds are now being called "downright dangerous". Even worse - the victims of these crimes are saying that fellow protesters are not even offering to help! Not a big surprise for anyone who has been following the story. Glenn has more on radio today. WATCH
Disaster Destroys Your Home and Town, Where and What Will You Eat?

When disaster strikes you must walk farther, faster and longer; trust in the Long Range Patrol Ration Entrée. Feed a family of four for two weeks, on the go, available ONLY from the Freeze Dry Guy.

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Jesus a commie in new movie 
You'll be really surprised to learn that Hollywood thinks Jesus was a communist. Matthew Modine is touring with a new short film, "Jesus was a commie", and while he claims it doesn't mean to offend Christians or extol the virtues of Communism (whatever those are - mass slaughter?) – many are claiming it's just a progressive piece of propaganda. MORE
Just what America's always wanted: We finally know Herman Cain's position on abortion! Just in time to hear about his latest harassment case! Check out the latest Stu Blog HERE
The B.S. of A: The new show on GBTV, hosted by Brian Sack, is taping an episode of its comedy show this Friday at 3:30pm in our NYC studio. To attend the taping please include your phone # and email for more information. The B.S.of A. will debut next Friday. Want a preview? WATCH.
An Opportunity to Give Back Through Mercury One...
If you're looking for a way to support Glenn's Mercury One while also "sparking" and encouraging an endless stream of kind acts with your friends and family, has a great deal for you with Endless Acts offers personalized coins, key chains, wristbands and more as well as the ability to customize an engraving for any occasion. Donate to Mercury One and spread kindness at the same time, details at
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