Monday, November 14, 2011

Gov cuts funds over Bible study, Glenn steps up

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November 14, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: The latest violent Occupy anthem and an appearance from a certain ageless Jedi master -- tonight live at 5pm ET only on GBTV!
The $55,000 commercial for God
Something incredible happened on radio today - a Colorado shelter for abused women that had recently lost its federal funding (because they refused to make their Bible study 'optional') had their prayers answered. The owners took a leap of faith and when faced with an ultimatum - drop the mandatory Bible study or lose funding - they chose faith over cash. They had no idea where they'd get the money, but trusted God would provide. That's exactly what happened on radio today - check it out HERE
Comic Book Writer epic rant on OWS
The mind behind many of your favorite comic book character movies - including 300, The Dark Knight, Batman Begins, Sin City - has unleashed an epic rant on Occupy Wall Street protests. Correctly calling them out for the debauchery they've turned into, here's part of Frank Miller's rant: "Occupy" is nothing short of a clumsy, poorly-expressed attempt at anarchy, to the extent that the "movement" – HAH! Some "movement", except if the word "bowel" is attached - is anything more than an ugly fashion statement by a bunch of iPhone, iPad wielding spoiled brats who should stop getting in the way of working people and find jobs for themselves. Epic. Get the rest and Glenn's reaction HERE

A little something about income inequality
It's one of those phrases that at first glance sounds like something you'd be against. You are a fair minded person, you wouldn't want something to be unequal, would you? Of course, .3 seconds of thought is required to understand the implications of battling income inequality. By definition, you'd be fighting to make incomes 'more equal' than they are now. Equal incomes = Communism. Glenn responds to Occupy's complaint that 'things are just so gosh darned unequal these days' on radio today. More at!
Occupy rape, murder, disease, drugs
The Occupy Wall Street protests spreading around the country have devolved into a spectacular display of disease, destruction, deviance and even death. Glenn takes a look at the laundry list of horrific attributes that now define the Occupy protests. How does the movement stack up next to the Tea Parties? Glenn has more on radio today. WATCH
The pledge every parent should have their child sign
Given the sad state of affairs at American institutions of higher learning – Glenn shared today on radio a pledge he made his daughters sign before sending them off to college. If you must send your kids to be indoctrinated, have them sign THIS. You won't regret it.
Pumpkin Spice coffee and warm apple pie. . . 
This Thanksgiving, make sure you have the perfect coffee to pair with your apple or pumpkin pie. is offering a Thanksgiving combo pack with Mavericks Coffee that includes coffee, chocolate and a gift voucher – all at 40% off the original price. Get all of the details at and make sure your Thanksgiving is delicious! 
Glenn interviews Rick Santorum
Few candidates on the conservative side of the spectrum are as consistent as former United States Senator Rick Santorum. And he's one of the few politicians who have proved they will stick to their beliefs even if it means they will likely lose their election, as he did when he continued to campaign on the dangers of Iran even though it wasn't the top polling voter issue. Glenn talks with now candidate for President Santorum on radio today. Get the segment at!
Did you miss the B.S. of A. premiere episode on Friday? The full episode is available on demand on GBTV with an all new episode this coming Friday. What happens when a politically correct children's program goes too far? Check out Brian Sack's first visit to Pumpernickel Boulevard with this FREE CLIP from Friday's show. 
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