Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Is Chris Christie on Bill O'Reilly's list for 2012?

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October 04, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Who's to blame? The devastating evidence academia does not want you to see - do not miss the Glenn Beck Program tonight at 5pm ET only on GBTV!
Will he or won't he? Brian Sack investigates the possibility of Chris Christie running for President in 2012. Sure he said "NO!" earlier today...but maybe....just maybe....he might change his mind. What did Brian and his experts find? WATCH.
O'Reilly v. Glenn on 2012 field
Bill O'Reilly made his first appearance on GBTV and got into it with Glenn over the 2012 GOP field of presidential candidates. Glenn & Bill are great friends but they still don't see eye to eye on everything about politics. Who does Bill think is the right guy for the job? Who does Glenn like? Hear two TV giants battle it out -- and check out Bill at Glenn's new digs!
Liberty Treehouse Drive-Thru History: Yesterday marked the first episode of Liberty Treehouse, the GBTV Plus program designed specifically for kids. Check out this free segment from yesterday's first episode. The new program airs weekdays from 4-5pm ET and is also available on demand only on GBTV.
Glenn responds to Hank Williams, Jr. "controversy" by calling out media hypocrisy
What could make Glenn promise to continue to never watch Monday Night Football? Glenn takes the media to school over the manufactured controversy surrounding Hank Williams, Jr. and his comments regarding Obama and a certain mass murdering tyrant (not the left's beloved Chairman Mao). Why have Nathan Lane and Albert Brooks not received the same treatment as Hank? READ MORE.
Don't forget to download the free GBTV app: Get total access to all the GBTV content right on your iPhone or iPad. Plus for free you can stream the radio program and get free highlights from both radio and Glenn's 2 hour nightly show. DOWNLOAD NOW.
Beck: "Be careful who you're standing next to"
There are some protesters on Wall Street who might be saying things you find yourself agreeing with. Glenn played some audio on radio this morning of a protester complaining about war, bringing jobs back to America, ending the Federal Reserve. But what else are they saying that you DON'T agree with - and who are they standing next to as they shout their grievances? Glenn warns about what could happen if you get seduced by the radicals calling for revolution on the street. LISTEN
Americans Need Jobs, Not More Immigration

Did you know that millions of illegal aliens are taking up valuable jobs that Americans can and will do? By getting tough on illegal immigration we can immediately create millions of new jobs that can help get this economy back on its feet. For more information check out www.fairus.org
Sponsor Message

Introducing Family Book Club Night!  MICHAEL VEY, the #1 NYT bestseller from Glenn's publishing company, is our first book selection — get it today and pass it around to your whole family to read. Then join Glenn and author Richard Paul Evans on October 20th at 6p ET for a free web event live from the GBTV studios. They'll take questions from you and your kids and even give you a special sneak peek at the sequel!  More details on the event to come, but start reading now!
MSNBC "excited" about revolution on Wall Street
Al Sharpton interviewed one of the organizers of the Occupy Wall Street protests, who revealed that they pretty much have no plan at all because the issues facing America are too "complicated". But don't worry because Sharpton is still excited to see so many people in the street. What happens as the movement continues to grow? HINT - IT'S BAD! WATCH.
Anonymous Warning: What did the hacker group have to say to Wall Street? Again, you may share some complaints but do your homework and understand the threat presented by their actions. Details HERE
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