Wednesday, October 12, 2011

EPIC: Glenn chats with Hank Williams Jr.

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October 12, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Glenn breaks down the shocking revelation of the foiled Iranian terror plot assassinations on American soil. The media shrugged it off -- but this should have America on high alert. Find out why tonight at 5pm only on GBTV!
The show you have been waiting 2 years to see: You know the problems America faces - the debt, the radicals, the unrest. You know when the bubble bursts again times will get tougher. So what can you do? Glenn will answer that question tomorrow at 5pm ET on GBTV. This is the show you've been waiting two years to see - realistic and practical steps for everyone to take. You know what's coming - get ready. Don't miss THURSDAY'S show!
GOP Debate: Romney shines
The GOP field is turning into sort of a Sophie's choice of candidates - but last night it appeared that Mitt Romney delivered a beat down of sorts to the field and was even able to defend RomneyCare fairly well. The rise of Herman Cain prompted him to be targeted - was he able to withstand the increased scrutiny? Glenn, Pat & Stu go over the debate highlights including Michele Bachmann's 6-6-6 slam on Herman Cain. WATCH
Where can you see Glenn? Will Glenn be in your city at the end of the month? Get all the details HERE.
EPIC interview: Hank Williams, Jr.
Hank Williams Jr. has drawn a line in the sand and obviously does not care one bit about what people think about him. He's going to say whatever he wants - and apparently he really means it. He stopped by the Glenn Beck radio program today to talk about the non-controversial controversy, the aftermath, and what's in store. Check out the classic interview HERE.
Fear Monger? Biden's Jobs Bill sales pitch: don't pass it and there will be rapes and murders – DETAILS.
Occupy Oakland: Kids only have "early death or a life of misery"
The Occupy Wall Street protests are spreading (Who could EVER have predicted that could happen) - and the latest from Oakland shows the negativity and doomsday views that exist in this protester culture. Of course, the media won't show that - they'd rather just label Glenn as a fearmonger and call it a day. Get the FULL story.
Have You Prepared for the Coming Food Shortage? If Not Here is a Special Offer

Freeze Dry Guy now offers 6 different varieties of REAL Freeze Dried Chicken and Beef in handy serving size Mylar pouches. Glenn Beck readers receive $10 off, free shipping PLUS $20 in Survival Bucks HERE.
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Occupy L.A., Occupy Philly turn to Mao, communism
Different cities, same story. Seems like everywhere these protests are, the revolutionaries are there too. Out on the west coast, one protester revealed perhaps a little too much. He explained that peaceful revolutions don't work, citing Ghandi (who he called a 'tumor') as a failure and instead telling people to model the glorious and bloody French revolution. Philadelphia saw one protester who claimed to be transgendered, wronged by the capitalist system, and in favor of installing a newer, more human friendly 'Maoist' system. When informed that Mao killed millions of innocent people - the protester had a bold response. Listen to her/his defense HERE.
Clean Water…Even When Disaster Strikes
Having clean, filtered and chlorine free water year round can make such a big difference to your family, especially when your water supply may be tainted as a result of a natural disaster. has a great deal right now on a Lake Industries Water Filter that will let you experience the difference a quality water filter can make. Get all of the details at
Glenn interviews U.S. candidate Ted Cruz
Glenn spoke with Ted Cruz, who is running for U.S. Senate in Texas. He says his primary mission in running for office is to defend freedom - and for Cruz this is not merely an empty slogan to gain votes. His dad is from Cuba and saw firsthand the horrors of Castro's oppressive regime. After being thrown into prison and tortured as a teenager, his dad fled Cuba at 18 and came to America with $100 sewn into his underwear. Check the full amazing story on radio today. WATCH
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