Friday, October 14, 2011

Hilarious comparisons: the 99% vs. the 53%

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October 14, 2011
On Today's Program

TONIGHT ON GBTV: Scott Baker hosts a panel of Blaze journalists & go in depth on the top stories of the week. Check it out only on GBTV!  

99% vs 53%- Which side do you want to be on? The amazing A/B comparisons HERE

Sharpton: Don't sleep through the revolution

The media went ballistic and had a field day during the Tea Party rallies, claiming violence and all the rest. Now, members of the media are openly cheering on the Occupy protesters who are calling for revolution. They do know how revolutions end, don't they? Usually it's the toppling of the government. The audio & Glenn's reaction HERE.
Where can you see Glenn? Find out where he'll be in October HERE!

Donny Deutsche: Another Kent State would be neat

What does MSNBC analyst Donny Deutsche think is needed to further the Occupy Wall Street protests? Another Kent State. The incident he's referring to was when student protesters clashed with police which caused a riot and ended in multiple deaths.  Hank Williams was canned for making an analogy - why isn't anyone calling for Deutsche to be fired for calling for another Kent State?  WATCH

Jesse Jackson Jr calls for Dictator Obama

Glenn goes through the shocking audio from Rep Jesse Jackson Jr who called for President Obama to just ignore Congress and basically become a dictator. The masks are now off - progressives are no longer afraid of revealing themselves. Even President Obama explained in plain view that his czars and advisers (not cabinet members) would be in charge of implementing his policies without Congressional approval. Simply incredible - Glenn has the audio and reaction HERE

American Made Candles at Unbeatable Prices. . . .
The smell of Buttered Maple Syrup and Hot Apple Pie aren't just the cozy aromas of a baker's home; they're the scents of Crossroads Candles. Today, Markdown has partnered with Crossroads Candles, a company that offers 48 varieties of candles in 4 different sizes that are all Made in America.  Get a $50 voucher for just $25 for a limited time only at!
President Talks Jobs, But No Mention of Immigration

President Obama's job plan overlooks one of the greatest factors negatively influencing this country's job and fiscal situations….immigration. Join us to keep pressure on our leaders and legislators to get tough on illegal immigration and ensure that Americans and legal citizens are given priority when it comes to jobs!
Sponsor Message
Sirius-XM's 'Opie' confronted by 'hippie dawn of the dead'

Opie (co-host of the popular 'Opie & Anthony' radio program) went down to Wall Street with a camera looking for some show material. Opie tends to be more liberal than his co-host and thought he'd find some common ideological ground among the protesters -- but his reception wasn't exactly a warm one. Get the STORY 

This is really real: A woman is planning to give birth to her first child in front of a live audience - at an art gallery. She's calling it 'The Birth of Baby X' and will treat the new baby's life as an art project. Good luck (to the baby). STORY 

Pathetic: Bloomberg caves to pro-OWS politicians

Mayor Bloomberg was reportedly going to go in and clean up the degenerate playground that is Zuccotti Park but eventually relented. Why? Because politicians sympathetic to the Occupation Wall Street protesters called up the company that owns Zuccotti Park and complained. Get the full story HERE
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