Thursday, October 27, 2011

Another border agent railroaded by Gov?

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October 27, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: The latest from Occupy Wall Street - from the violence to why 9/10 tents are empty at night, with guests from The Blaze. Don't miss it tonight live at 5pm only on GBTV!
GBTV on Twitter: Make sure to follow @GB_TV on Twitter for real-time links to the news and stories Glenn is discussing on air, previews and recaps of our daily broadcasts, live commentary during the radio & TV shows and we may even fill you in on what caused Glenn to eat an entire pack of these last night live on GBTV.
Another border agent railroaded by government?
Glenn interviewed the wife of now convicted border agent Jesus Diaz about the case that seems to bear resemblance to the Compean & Ramos ordeal. What'd Diaz do? He 'roughed up' a suspected drug runner who was caught with other illegals bringing 150 pounds of marijuana across the border from Mexico into the US. He claims his innocence and the suspect has no visible marks from the so-called 'rough handcuffing'. Even if he did - who cares? Check out the interview on radio HERE.
Why did George Soros meet with NYPD Commissioner?
According to the Huffington Post, George Soros was "escorted in by a retired NYPD cop, driving a wine-colored Mercedes, (and) the left-leaning billionaire was whisked in and out of police headquarters with no one being the wiser." The topic? Occupy Wall Street. Why in the world would this meeting be allowed to happen? Get details from The Blaze and Glenn's reaction on radio today - WATCH.
Pass it on! Glenn says his new book The Snow Angel is one of the best stories he's ever told. It may also be one of the most important.  Based in part on his real life experience, The Snow Angel shows how insidious abuse, in all of its forms, really is.  Breaking the cycle is something that can take generations to accomplish. Follow the journey from heartbreak to hope in The Snow Angel – on sale now for under $12 at many online retailers.
The best Glenn Beck/political cartoon ever? LOOK.
Obama's leadership: Americans have lost 'ambition' and 'imagination'
Nothing like evoking the great Jimmy Carter when trying to inspire and energize American entrepreneurs to kick start the economy again. Not sure if Obama recalls, but Carter's rhetoric led to prolonged malaise and persistently high unemployment. Why is Obama mimicking one of the worst Presidents in American history? Glenn has the audio and reacts on radio today. WATCH
WARNING...FDA Data Reveals the 5 Most Dangerous Pain Relief Drugs

Breaking news story exposes the shocking truth about which drugs are safe and which are deadly. One common medication causes a 340% increase in heart attacks when taken as prescribed! Which of these silent killers are you taking? READ STORY

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Gary the scary numbers guy makes a prediction
Glenn spoke with the incomparable Gary the numbers guy about what is coming our way in the future. He strongly believes that something really bad is going to happen on 11-11-11 simply because, as he attempts to explain, all bad things happen on '11' and goes through the in-depth math to prove it. Will Glenn, Pat & Stu buy what he's selling? Find out HERE.
Great Interview: Glenn interviewed the author of The Entitlement Trap on GBTV last night. Great discussion on parenting and the challenges of raising children in a world that fosters a sense of entitlement. Watch the interview HERE. Both The Entitlement Trap and The Three Deceivers are available for 40% off at for a limited time only - get both books now and start applying them to your life and the lives of your children.

Where are the feminists? One 'Occupy' group has sent out fliers asking rape victims not to go to police but to report sexual assaults to a special committee. The committee will then give counsel to the rapist! The group is now backtracking - but Glenn has the latest on radio. Get the story HERE.

Occupy GBTV? The so-called 66% are invading the 4th Hour! Get more HERE. PLUS - Who now has to do a "constitutional dance" everyday? You don't want to miss this video! WATCH
The Daily Mail: Beck is RIGHT. Check out the supportive piece agreeing with Glenn's letter praising those in Parliament who are being called 'rebels' just for standing up against an ever expanding big government. Get the full story HERE
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