Thursday, June 16, 2011

Sign of the times? Glenn agrees with Obama again...

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June 16, 2011
On Today's Program

Glenn agrees with Obama AGAIN?

The unlikeliest of all unlikeliests happened as Glenn has agreed with President Obama yet again. This time, it was White House Press Secretary Jay Carney's response to questions about the hypocrisy over Mr. 'no lobbyist' Obama giving more than 200 donors cushy government gigs. His answer was ridiculous, that much was expected. But the shocker was Glenn actually agreed with part of it - why? Find out HERE.

Ed Schultz will say anything (obv): The same guy who calls female political opponents 'sluts' is now saying Glenn went 'too far' the other night. His reasoning is about as poor as his ratings. Watch, if you must, HERE.

American History FAIL

Yesterday we learned that our school kids don't know anything about history. Today we learn that they are not alone - the adults don't either! Check out this video of tourists in Washington, D.C. who have a ridiculously hard time with some incredibly simple questions. Watch that video HERE.

The Original Argument co-author joins Glenn on radio: Want to know the story behind The Original Argument? Classic American success story that begins with a bunch of fraternity guys. A college student willing to stand up for what he believes in and the power of just how far a little bit of hard work and faith can go - check out the interview HERE

Still looking for a Father's Day gift? has a great gift idea up on their website. Check it out now.
War? Huh? Obama denies Libya is war

Apparently drones and bombs don't count as a war? An incredible turn of events after the GOP pressed Obama to explain the action in Libya or else risk being in violation of the War Powers Act. The answer? It's not enough to constitute a war. Who are we even supporting in this conflict? Do we have any idea? Glenn explains how this administration is making Congress irrelevant - WATCH.

Restoring Courage: bogus, hate filled reports hit the media

Glenn has said for quite some time that those who are standing outside the truth will eventually be swept away. We're seeing that with Anthony Weiner right now. Will we eventually see it with the press? Glenn looks at some of the out and out false stories in the press regarding the 8.24 Restoring Courage event in Jerusalem. Get the details at

How can you watch the event? Visit and subscribe today and you will have a front row seat to Restoring Courage in Jerusalem this August. Get on board and spread the word to your church, local Tea Party or 9.12 group and host a viewing party.  If your group is interested in hosting a viewing party – we want to hear from you! Email us at
Still need a gift for Dad? Markdown has you covered. The Platinum Professional grill pan is offered at nearly 50% off, exclusive to Markdown subscribers. This is one of the finest grill pans made and will cook the best steak Dad has ever had! Four top-quality, stainless steel Messerstahl Steak Knives are also included. Get cooking today!
The S.E. Cupp Show: Glenn announced the end of S.E.'s daily show and her new role with GBTV.  As a part of GBTV, S.E. will take you around the country to college campuses as she shines a spotlight on issues facing conservative students.  In addition to her new role at GBTV, S.E. will be contributing her usual hard-hitting analysis on the 2012 election and will be sitting down with politicians and newsmakers like Donald Rumsfeld. If you missed today's big announcement, all the details can be found HERE.

O Canada! Bill Ayers denied access to Canada: America lets him teach our kids, but ya gotta give Canada credit, they denied Ayers access into the country. Their reason? Get the story HERE.

What can you get for $53 billion? Stu has the answer HERE.

Obama panders in Puerto Rico and fails

John Stewart called out Obama for his blatant pandering in Puerto Rico by using a Spanish accent. It's one of the most annoying traits of a politician, trying to pander and pretend that they are so in tune with a particular group by attempting to pronounce things they way they do. Stop it. Just stop. It's embarrassing. But it may happen less after Stewart blasted the practice: WATCH.
Weiner down: It's the saga that just won't go away. Anthony Weiner announces his resignation - audience erupts in cheers and jeers. DETAILS

TV Tonight: How little do Americans know about history? You'll see the answer tonight at 5pm only on Fox News! Only 11 shows left - don't miss an episode!
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