Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Hollywood heavyweight leftist flips to conservatism

June 08, 2011
On Today's Program
 FREE GBTV: Watch the launch TONIGHT at 7 pm ET

Glenn's 2 hour daily program debuts on 9/12, but tonight Glenn hosts a very special launch episode where you will see the future of GBTV - the studios, the plans and so much more. Glenn calls it a staff meeting. Stu called it a journey through Glenn's mind. There may or may not be talk of building an amusement park. You'll have to see for yourself - it's completely FREE and it's TONIGHT at 7pm ET - it's the perfect chance to take GBTV for a test drive! Just jump online and tune in at the GBTV Facebook page or - get all the details HERE. See you tonight at 7pm ET!

PHOTOS: Get a sneak peek of tonight's show by checking out some rehearsal pics HERE.

Weiner sexted about...Glenn Beck? (Eww)

The sext messages between Congressman Weiner and his women are beginning to come out in greater volume, including chats that are date-stamped just one month after his wedding. But the most disturbing chat by far is the one in which Weiner and his gal pal chat about Glenn Beck. Yes, it's true. And yes it's disturbing. Those weak of stomach should NOT READ this sexting transcript.

Former Hollywood Leftist flips

Best known as a playwright, David Mamet has also won a Pulitzer Prize and been nominated for an Oscar. Glenn spoke with David on radio today about his journey from left to right, and assured him that he'll probably never win another award ever again. Also an author, his latest being The Secret Knowledge - David talks about how his evolving political views have affected his career. Check out the conversation HERE.
Jon Stewart feels the heat, mocks Weiner

Former Weiner roommate Jon Stewart was hammered in the press for taking it easy on his buddy - but he came back strong last night and mocked Weiner's press conference. Stewart kept mixing increasingly strong drinks as the conference progressed and even accidentally cut himself on the margarita glass. A pretty solid job - but would he have gone farther if it were someone on the right? Watch and decide.

Obama set to bail out... Greece?

America's economy may be on fire, but that's not stopping President Obama from taking action. Of course, he's taking action in Greece. It's not exactly clear why Greece would want Obama's help, given his horrific economic track record here at home. Nevertheless, Obama is leading the charge to bailout Greece - but he's got a few demands, like making Greece 'make structural reforms' to its economy. Oh, that's it? DETAILS.

Party in the USA: Did Miley Cyrus just convince Glenn to move his family to an island? WATCH.

The Miracle of Freedom: Watch Chris Stewart, author and speed and world-record setting Air Force pilot, talk about his important new book, The Miracle of Freedom: 7 Tipping Points that Saved the World. There are only 22 nations today that have enjoyed freedom for more than 50 years. Will that liberty grow or recede? The answer to the future lies in the past. Watch the video HERE.

OUCH: Only 24% share Obama's political views - DETAILS.

TV Tonight:  Glenn sits down with a political outsider who is making serious noise - Herman Cain. Don't miss it tonight at 5pm only on Fox!

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