Friday, June 8, 2012

The ultimate Coward: Obama blames everyone but himself

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June 08, 2012
On Today's Program

The ultimate Coward: Obama blames everyone but himself
President Obama gave another meaningless speech on the economy and warned of all the headwinds that were to be blamed for bad economic news. He keeps referring to them as 'headwinds' which is quite deceptive because headwinds implies there's nothing that could be done about it. Glenn rips Obama's latest speech.

Which NFL star can't wait to read Glenn's new book? Perhaps you'll recall when Glenn released his book BROKE that an NFL star tweeted about how much he liked it -- and not surprisingly was inundated with hate mail from ignorant progressives who feel threatened when someone dares to explore all sides of an issue. That NFL star is ready for Glenn's new book COWARDS because he obviously isn't one. Who is it?

It's Time to Name Names
THIS TUESDAY, Glenn's new book COWARDS will expose the truth about some of the biggest cowards in the world. You can pre-order your copy now at 4o% off and get it in time for Father's Day. Educate yourself, educate your friends, and maybe we can open enough eyes before this next election.
VOTE: (4) Italian Cruise Captain VS. (1) The American Voter: Today's '100 Years of Cowards' tournament match-up may just shed some light on whether or not we're really taking responsibility for what's currently happening in our country...VOTE NOW!

Do you want to make a difference? Take Glenn's 4 step program:
COMMIT! Before you can take a stand and take action, you must commit. Before you stand up, you MUST know what you stand for
ACTIVATE! How can you turn the 2012 election from a close call to a mandate?  Glenn's partnered with David Barton to make it easy to find out if you're registered to vote and to register if you're not. Pledge to adopt a friend and get started now
LIVE IT! Cities across the country are outlawing people from giving food to the homeless. We cannot go over the cliff with the rest of humanity. What are the 4 things you can do to prevent this from happening?
CREATE! On GBTV last night, Glenn revealed the final piece of the solution to fix the country – create! He didn't just discuss the immorality and filth in the current culture, but how people with values and faith tend to run away and withdraw rather than create something different. What's the solution?

Glenn irks 60's radicals with Kalai
Last night on GBTV Glenn unveiled step 4: create. The last day in the '4 Days in June' special focused on providing viewers a vehicle to be active in the process of restoring America. Conservatives have thrown their hands up in the air when it comes to the culture war and just complain - it's time to start doing. First, every movement needs a soundtrack -- meet a progressive's worst nightmare: Kalai.

Glenn shares his music with you on Spotify - LISTEN.

Hear the theme song for Restoring Love
Glenn also unveiled on radio today what is to be the theme song for Restoring Love. It comes from musician Matt Maher and it's called 'Hold us Together'. It was written years before this event was ever even an idea - but nevertheless it fits like a glove. Listen to the song and Glenn's story behind the music.

National Lemonade Stand and Bake Sale Hug-A-Thon Day! If you are interested in having a stand at Babe's Chicken in Cedar Hill, TX during Glenn's first ever National Lemonade Stand and Bake Sale Hug-A-Thon Day, then sign up now by emailing Ed at Stand space is limited so sign up today!

PhD Reveals Bizarre "Conspiracy" that Makes You Fat (and Sick)…
In 1863, a doctor pinpointed the 5 foods to eat and the 2 to avoid to eliminate excess belly fat. But misguided politicians and greedy corporations have driven this discovery underground for the last 150 years.  This PhD has had enough and wants to share this info with you here.

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U.N. Me: Filmmaker roasts U.N. and gets media praise?
Glenn spoke with Filmmaker Ami Horowitz on radio today about his new movie U.N. Me which must be a great flick because it bashes the U.N. and it's getting positive reviews in the press at the same time. There's a lot of power in the truth - and virtually no one can deny that the U.N. is a total failure. Check out the interview on radio today

Glenn's on the road - new tour date announced! Glenn's out on tour this weekend in Oklahoma City tonight and in Charleston tomorrow. This tour has been so popular we've added another date - San Antonio on September 20th - tickets went on sale today!

Guess who is now on Instagram? DETAILS

Fight! Bill Clinton and Obama bizarrely at odds
It's been a bizarre few days as Bill Clinton dissed Barack Obama on several occasions. Now he's walking back out in front of the media, tail between his legs and doing a little damage control. Only, slick Willy just couldn't resist - and bashed Obama yet again! Why is he doing this? Glenn explains on radio today

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