Friday, June 1, 2012

Classless Obama disses George W. Bush at event in his honor

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June 01, 2012
On Today's Program

Classless Obama beats dead horse, unnecessarily insults George W. Bush
During a ceremony at the White House yesterday to hang a portrait of President George W. Bush, Obama was truly childish in his introduction. Meanwhile, George W. Bush was once again the epitome of class and what it means to be presidential. Glenn reacts to this distasteful display on radio today.

Tonight on GBTV (watch live or on demand)
Starting Monday - 4 shows you can't afford to miss: The time for talking is over.  The time for doing is now. Glenn unveils the 4 step plan to fix our lives, take back our country, and reclaim our culture. It all starts this Monday.

Bloomberg on soda ban: 'we're forcing you to understand'
Glenn has read or heard just about every crazy thing past dictators and power hungry politicians have said - but this quote from Mayor Bloomberg takes the cake. In trying to stand by his proposed ban on larger than 16 oz sodas, he said he's merely 'forcing you to understand.' Oh, that's it? Glenn tweets a pic of himself downing an oh-so-dangerous 20 oz. bottle of Coke, causing others on Twitter to follow suit and send Bloomberg their #Soda4Bloomberg pics. See the pic and the segment HERE.

Why are leftists complaining about Obama?
Many leftists and progressives have voiced their displeasure at the job performance put in by Barack Obama in his first term. But what are they complaining about? Obama did something no progressive president has been able to get done in 100 years - government health care and much more. So where's the beef? Glenn has the answer on radio today.

100 Years of Cowards
Round 1, Match 2: The United Nations vs. Neville Chamberlain 

Glenn's latest in-your-face book takes on the spineless cowardly weasels in the world today and calls them by name. Cowards will be released June 12th and here's your chance to vote for the biggest coward. Glenn's narrowed down the last hundred years of cowards to the top 16, and now it's time for them to face off, March Madness style. Earlier this week George Soros notched a big victory over former President Herbert Hoover in the "Progressive" region. Today we move to the "Spineless Weasels" portion of the bracket and reveal our first #1 seed! See the argument and VOTE NOW!

Reading of the Torah in the GBTV studios: WATCH

Unemployment rises on another crappy jobs report
The unemployment rate rose to 8.2% after the latest uninspiring jobs report. To make matters worse, the previous 2 months were also revised down in a sign that the economy is not in recovery at all. The only thing Obama has done is throw a bunch of money into the wind, prolonging the inevitable. For more on the latest dismal jobs report, click HERE and SHARE it because the MSM certainly won't.

When violence strikes..."My encounter with mob-mentality at NYC's Bryant Park made me realize I wasn't prepared to protect my family against worst-case violence. The solution I found gets my highest recommendation. >>Please check it out now
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Do business on a handshake: Last week, Glenn opened the doors to The Marketplace by, a place where you'll do business on a handshake with small businesses throughout the nation. One of the really great things about The Marketplace is that you can read the personal story behind every single one of their vendors. You'll learn how they started their business, read about their struggles, their values, and their families. It's a place where you can 'Put Your Money Where Your Heart Is.'

Bill Clinton: Mitt Romney had a 'sterling' business record
Not a good sign for Obama when one of his top surrogates (if not the top) had nothing but glowing praise for Mitt Romney. He cited his overwhelming qualifications to be president, including his 'sterling' business record. Kinda takes the sting out of Obama's Bain Capital attacks, no? Glenn has the audio & reaction on radio today.
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