Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Contempt! Holder under fire for Fast & Furious

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June 20, 2012
On Today's Program

Glenn absolutely shreds MSNBC & their pattern of lies, smears and partisan attacks
Glenn unleashed on MSNBC today, exposing a recent string of blatantly false and inflammatory segments. Beginning with a bizarre smear on Ann Romney and how she treats her MS, all the way to Andrea Mitchell's hack job, which she refused to apologize for. Hear the stunning smears and Glenn's blistering reaction.

Last night on GBTV:
Contempt: Issa, GOP hold Eric Holder's feet to the fire on Operation Fast & Furious
Rep. Darrell Issa is preparing to slap Eric Holder with contempt of Congress for his role in covering up Operation Fast & Furious. President Obama recently made the strange move to use executive privileges in order to keep the docs sealed. Glenn's reaction HERE.

IRONY ALERT: Jon Stewart talks executive privilege in '05

The Left vs. The Right: It's all about context
The radical left loves to label America as a violent, oppressive nation. But they fail to mention the 'evil' history of America comes from the far left under progressive leaders. Ever wonder why the left hates Glenn so much despite his honesty on America's negative history? Because he does what the left is afraid to do, tell the truth in context.

Almost too disturbing to watch: Viral video shows middle schoolers abusing and threatening bus monitor - WATCH

Staff tries to make up for ruining history by bringing in fish
Yesterday one of Glenn's rare historical artifacts was literally washed away when an overzealous cleaning person tried to do the right thing. That ended with a one-of-a-kind autographed bit of artwork being washed clean, signature and all. How could the staff possibly rectify the situation?

Prepare for your summer cookout while supporting small businesses!  Soak up the flavor of this gourmet BBQ sauce basket from Bacon Freak, or experience this combination pack of savory sauces from Van Roehling Sauces and rubs.  Planning a camping trip?  Make sure you include the collapsible tent cot from Kamp-Rite in your adventure! However you're celebrating the 4th of July this summer, The Marketplace has you covered.

Recall Fifty Shades of Grey FAIL (but good job Cowards!)
The numbers are coming in - was COWARDS able to top middle-aged mom porn series Fifty Shades of Grey for the #1 spot? Nope. Apparently people would rather read a trashy erotic novel more than the truth about our political system. Pretty sad -- but the good news is that COWARDS was the next book in line after the trilogy of filth (and was the #1 overall non-fiction book in the country)! How did Glenn react to not beating a sleazy porn book?

Who is the BIGGEST Coward?
Today we find out who the biggest coward is - it's the 100 Days of Cowards FINAL matchup! The #1 seeded liars and deceivers of the MAINSTREAM MEDIA have been working hard this week to earn the title. Andrea Mitchell's recent Romney smear combined with Mike Bloomberg openly publishing lies will make them a tough opponent for the underdog, #4 seed PLANNED PARENTHOOD. Make sure to get your votes in now! Tomorrow Glenn will reveal which cowardly establishment will be receiving a signed copy of his new book COWARDS.

The Dirty Little Secret About CoQ10
You can find CoQ10 supplements virtually everywhere. And most people, unfortunately, are tricked into thinking all CoQ10 is the same. But there's a dirty little secret that they won't tell you on the label. All of the research supporting the benefits of CoQ10 has been conducted with natural CoQ10. But most supplements are made with suboptimal synthesized CoQ10. Worse yet, you would be shocked to know what it's synthesized from.
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S.E. Cupp caught on flight from Hell
S.E. Cupp found herself in the news for something other than her political commentary - this time she actually got caught in the middle of it. A Jet Blue flight out of Las Vegas experienced some major technical difficulties after takeoff, and was instructed to land. They had to circle for over 4 hours before landing. It was a hair raising experience for all, including S.E., but thankfully everyone is ok. STORY

From The 4th Hour: Andrea Mitchell responded to MSNBC's widely covered edits on Mitt Romney yesterday with an infuriating non-apology. Not only did they "not get a chance" to play Romney's full clip, they must have also run out of time for the truth behind Wawa. Stu and Pat explain.
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