Monday, June 11, 2012

Brilliant Obama racks up another stupid gaffe

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June 11, 2012
On Today's Program

Brilliant Obama racks up another stupid gaffe
For a brilliant guy he sure says a lot of stupid things. Obama's latest gaffe was so bad that even Candy Crowley was hammering David Axelrod on it. Obama claimed that the private sector was doing just fine and basically he already fixed that - it was just state & local governments that are struggling. Hear Crowley go after Axelrod and check out Glenn's dismantling of Obama's contention HERE.

Tonight on GBTV (Watch live or on demand)
  • 5pm - The Glenn Beck Program: Why is the Fed the ultimate scam in America today? Glenn has the convincing evidence tonight plus interviews with economic experts who explain why the Spain bailout is destined for failure.
  • 6pm - Real News: For the 4th time in 30 years Congress has launched a contempt action against a member of the executive branch. If approved it will likely move to the House for a vote. What is the likelihood Attorney General Holder is found in contempt and what happens if he is?
Offended: Obama cries foul on question about national security leaks
The President proved he is easily offended on Friday when he snapped back at a reporter who insinuated national security leaks might be coming from inside the White House. Considering how vital the President's national security record is for his re-election effort, the question wasn't that off base. The President's blatant refusal to face the facts has once again landed him on Glenn's coward list.

Glenn's new book COWARDS hits stores TOMORROW
Glenn's new book COWARDS will officially be released tomorrow—order now and give someone THE TRUTH for Father's Day. Check out the table of contents and read Glenn's introduction. The lies end here.  Pre-order your copy now!
VOTE NOW: We have two great matchups today in our "100 Years of Cowards" Tournament:
(4) John Edwards VS. (1) The Mainstream Media in the "Liars & Deceivers" region, and (3) Saddam Hussein VS. (2) Osama bin Laden in the "Death & Destruction" region. Who should move on? Vote now!

Compassion fatigue?
Why are bans popping up in city after city that make it illegal for people to feed the homeless? Why should feeding a hungry person ever be illegal? USA Today has an article suggesting that it's compassion fatigue and that cities are just tired of the homeless ruining their downtown areas with their presence. MORE

Ron Paul supporters rip son Rand for Romney endorsement
Sellout. Traitor. Cancer. Those are some pretty harsh insults even for the heated political climate of an election year, and usually such epithets would be reserved for a Benedict Arnold. But those were just some of the words being directed at Kentucky Senator Rand Paul for endorsing GOP Presidential candidate Mitt Romney – shockingly not from the left but from the libertarians that devoutly follow Rand's father Ron Paul.

Rick Santorum's not going anywhere
Rick Santorum surprised many with his strong showing in the GOP primary, but in the end it just wasn't enough to overcome the efforts of Mitt Romney. But is Santorum content to have his message fade into the background and go away? Not even close - Glenn talked with the former Senator on radio today about what the future holds.

Stu Gets Hatemail: Stu gets his first piece of hatemail...or does he? Pat and Stu track down Gary from Florida to explain why he thought it was absolutely necessary to tell Stu that he is annoying. After getting Gary on the phone, the call takes an unexpected twist.

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The 4th Hour: Green Jobs classification scam
The government has classified any job that is remotely energy efficient as a green job. Their list is ridiculous and expansive (did you know bus drivers and oil lobbyists are considered green jobs?) , but somehow Pat and Stu have managed to add to this list of potential "green jobs." Watch on the 4th Hour.

Aw, poor George Soros: Glenn inks new deal with radio syndicator!

National Lemonade Stand and Bake Sale Hug-A-Thon Day!
Help push back on big government trying to fundamentally transform America by overregulating our charitable efforts and small business initiatives. Join Glenn in support of National Lemonade Stand and Bake Sale Hug-A-Thon Day! Tune in this Wednesday @ 5 PM (ET) on GBTV as Glenn broadcasts live from his own bake sale in Texas. Want to get your community involved or find an event near you, learn more HERE.
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