Saturday, June 16, 2012

Note from Glenn - second step to changing the world...

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June 16, 2012
Commit. Activate. Live it. Create.

Last week, I laid out a plan to change the direction of our country with four steps that will change the world. We've asked you to commit, to activate, to live it, and to create. Today, I'd like to spend some time with you focusing on the second step – Activate!

This November is the most important election of our lives, so much so that a mere win is not enough. There needs to be mandate that definitively says: "This is the direction of the United States going forward." But today, the political establishment is infested with cowards; people who are not only unwilling to find solutions, but who are often too spineless to even acknowledge that a problem exists. 

We cannot repeat the hanging chads. Remember that? People were staring at ballots and trying to figure out what the intent of the voter was. You had dolts coming forward saying they meant to vote for Gore but accidentally voted for Bush. It cannot be so close that it divides us even further than we already are.

We're more fractured now than we were after the 2000 election. We can't afford a repeat. Just last week the DOJ was threatening to step in if the recall of Governor Walker in Wisconsin was close – imagine what will happen if we end up with another case of Bush v. Gore! The people this administration have put in charge will do whatever it takes to make sure Obama and the progressives stay in power.

We've partnered with Wallbuilders to bring you a fantastic, convenient new piece of technology that makes it easy to 1) check if you're registered and 2) register to vote if you're not already. Step 1 - on Election Day, you need to go to the polls to vote – and bring a friend with you to make sure they vote too.

It's absolutely critical that you get everyone in your circle of influence to register and vote. Even if they are registered, make sure they are going to vote and show them how they can help others get involved. Did you know that of all the registered voters who fail to get out to the polls, the #1 reason why they don't is because they are 'too busy' to go? What could be more important than taking 15 minutes out of your day to go and vote? 

Did you know that over twenty percent of the members of active conservative organizations aren't registered to vote? Can you imagine what would happen if just half of those people registered? And what would happen if every one of them got someone in their circle registered? The ripple effect would be unstoppable. Which brings me to step 2 - you need to commit to registering four of your schlub friends to vote. We've made it easy – you can go to this website and check to see if your friends are registered. If they aren't, commit to getting them signed up.

And if your friends don't think that the country is in bad shape and only getting worse - arm them with information about what is happening. I talk about the problems and the solutions for four hours a day, five days a week. Take that information and pass it on! Share it on Facebook, Twitter and whatever other social media the young hipsters are using these days. I put pages and pages of footnotes in my new book Cowards because I want you to be able to explain the problems. I want you to be able to give the original sources to people who still think spending to solve a spending crisis is the way to go; to those who still don't get that there are radical leftists who want to 'fundamentally transform' America into some sort of European socialist utopia. 

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Freedom is not only under assault here in America. The progressive movement of big government and big spending has plunged European countries like Greece into chaos. This brings me to Step 3 – commit to being a part of the global Tea Party movement. Here are a couple of easy ways to do that: During the week of Restoring Love, FreedomWorks is hosting a global Tea Party event called FreePac. You can also sign up for the Constitutional Conference that same week and learn from incredibly knowledgeable people like David Barton. Arm yourself with information and be a beacon of hope.

Finally, you need to join a team. We're at a critical phase in this movement to restore America, but things can start to feel darkest before the dawn. Right now is the time to gather with like minded people, not only to take action but also to keep your spirits high. Your voice matters and it can only be amplified by teaming up with others who also want to turn things around. Look for a 9/12 Project, FreedomWorks, a local Tea Party, like minded neighbors, friends or family -- and start organizing.

YOU will be the key, but only if you commit and activate. Together, we will restore this country and light a new path to victory.

Laus Deo,

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