Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Glenn Beck unloads on 'Cowards'

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June 12, 2012
On Today's Program

Teacher unions reveal true priority (hint, it's not the students)
We often hear teachers explain how much they love their students, and that they are the reason they do what they do. So why is it so many teachers are willing to screw students over and strike, leaving them high and dry? What's more important - The kids? Or the almighty dollar? Glenn has the story of teacher union thuggery in Chicago on radio today. WATCH

COWARDS is here. Don't be one, read it now.
From the violence on our border and Islamic Law in America, to full-chapter exposés on people (like George Soros and Jim Wallis) who would prefer to work in the shadows, the 13 issues that Glenn covers in this book will help you win the arguments that will change minds…and possibly votes. This is one of Glenn's big, oversized color books with lots of design work and sidebars - Read a free chapter.  Give the gift of truth this Sunday for Father's Day - pick up a copy at your local Target, Walmart, Costco, BJ's, Sam's (or wherever books are sold), or order online now!
Who's the bigger Coward? Make sure you cast your vote in our next match up of the '100 Years of Cowards' tournament! Today we kick off Round 2 with the top seeded Mainstream Media vs. the Teachers Unions.

Is the Federal Reserve a scam?
Last night on GBTV Glenn outlined the money laundering shell game being played by the Federal Reserve. Where are they getting money from? Who are they giving it to? Glenn has the answer to those questions and more.

TOMORROW: National Lemonade Stand and Bake Sale Hug-A-Thon Day!
Help push back on big government trying to fundamentally transform America by over-regulating our charitable efforts and small business initiatives. Join Glenn in support of National Lemonade Stand and Bake Sale Hug-A-Thon Day! Tune in this Wednesday @ 5 PM (ET) on GBTV as Glenn broadcasts live from his own bake sale in Texas. Want to get your community involved or find an event near you, learn more HERE.

Glenn vs. Weird S&M mommy porn
Glenn's new book COWARDS is up against some disturbing competition on Amazon's best sellers list - Fifty Shades of Grey. Look, if it was The Hunger Games it would be one thing, but a weird S&M book written by your mom? America, this is twisted and this must stop. Help Glenn recall Fifty Shades of Grey by ordering a copy of COWARDS on Amazon today.

He got what he had coming: man murders child molester
A Texas man reportedly experienced the worst possible nightmare for any dad - he witnessed his 4 year old daughter being molested. And then he did probably what most dads in that situation would do: he beat the man so badly he ended up dying from his injuries. Would you do the same?

Glenn and 1791 step up to help family send their son around the world, raise awareness for rare disease - DETAILS.

The town of Tombstone, Arizona is in a bitter feud with...Mexican Spotted Owls.
The town argues that the owl's protected habitat is slowing down the process of fixing a much needed water line. Which do you think is more important, ruffling a few feathers or providing humans with life giving nourishment? This might just be the most audacious decision since Obama decided to kill Osama. Watch Pat and Stu search for an answer on The 4th Hour...

Can You Survive a Disaster Without Fire
You might have food and water but what about fire? Stove in a Can is your Anytime, Anywhere, Any Weather solution. Click HERE for a special bundle offer!
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Obamanomics: Americans lose 40% of their wealth under Obama
While the President is busy saying the economy is 'fine,' the Federal Reserve has released estimates that American net worth has dropped 40%, and the median income has dropped 8%. You have to wonder what definition of 'fine' the President is using. If 'fine' equals mired in a nasty malaise, then he's 100% correct. Glenn reacts on radio today.

NY about to elect a former Black Panther who thinks Israel has concentration camps
You know, it would be just a little hypocritical for the progressives and their tools/organizations to paint someone who has a record of being ardently pro-Israel as an anti-Semite, while simultaneously trying to get a man who claims Israel shouldn't be a state elected to Congress. And yet that's exactly what is happening in New York.
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