Friday, June 15, 2012

Dictate: Obama unilaterally enacts Dream Act, bypasses Congress

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June 15, 2012
On Today's Program

"This is what a dictator does" - Obama enacts the Dream Act without a vote or even exec order
This is perhaps the most disturbing play by Obama yet. Forget the legislative process, he's just granting immunity to illegal immigrants because he wants to. No Congress, no nothing. A cowardly act clearly designed to pander for votes. Horrible. Glenn goes off on radio today.

WATCH: President Obama's heated exchange with reporter during immigration speech.

Baby Jett comes to Dallas TONIGHT: Earlier this week Glenn introduced you to baby Jett, a newborn with a rare genetic disorder that will limit his growth and his lifespan. Jett's parents love to travel and found an innovative way to take their son around the world while also raising awareness of his disease. Tonight on GBTV, Baby Jett comes to Dallas!

Beck critics eat crow yet again: Egypt military seize power
Bill Kristol and other political commentators mocked Glenn during the Arab Spring, caught up in the protests and refusing to logically analyze the situation. With each passing day, Egypt makes those critics look progressively dumber. Now the military has dissolved parliament in a blatant power grab.

DOH! On same day Egypt military dissolves parliament, Biden praises the Arab Spring
Joe Biden is proving to be one of the most prolific gaffe machines in world history. This guy can't spit out a sentence without telling a paralyzed man to stand up, that President FDR addressed the nation on TV before he was president and before TV existed, thanks Dr. Pepper, and on and on. The streak continues with his latest praise of the Arab Spring in the midst of violence and a military power grab. WATCH

Team Obama 'treats' troops to lunch, leaves without paying the bill
The One apparently thought gracing the troops with his presence was reward enough - because he got up from a planned lunch at a restaurant in D.C. and didn't bother to pay the bill. This move was particularly ironic given just a couple days earlier Obama compared the GOP to people who don't pay their tabs at restaurants. WATCH

Father's Day Special: COWARDS is 50% off at your local Target!
George Soros. Jim Wallis. Progressives. Libertarians. College endowments, tenured professors and teachers unions. No matter the topic, Glenn's brand new book COWARDS is an oversized, color, glossy, fully documented dose of the truth. The best news? Target is offering COWARDS at 50% off ($14), just in time for Father's Day. At that price, why not buy one for yourself and one for a gift! Pick up a copy at your local Target store this weekend. But hurry—this special price could change at any time.

Planned Parenthood VS. Osama bin Laden: In COWARDS Glenn exposes the radical agenda of Islamists within our own borders. American's seem to be ignoring a threat we were all so abruptly woken up to just over 10 years ago by the #2 seed in today's 100 Years of Cowards match up, Osama bin Laden. Today's match-up is in the 'Death & Destruction' region - the last match before the Final Four next week - VOTE NOW!

There's something magical about eating together: The Marketplace by is currently offering tasty treats your whole family will love from small businesses throughout America. Check out Nebraska Star Beef and Parker's Peanuts for two family owned businesses doing things the old fashioned way! 

You don't have to be a heavy drinker to have an unhealthy liver

If you aren't protected by these 10 top, liver-friendly nutrients, you are risking your health through exposure to fast foods, prescription drugs, alcohol, toxins and a high-fat diet. Make it better now. Click for your FREE report.

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Obama parties with the Devil
Ok, she's not the actual devil (that we can confirm), but either way President Obama had his much anticipated fundraiser hosted by Anna Wintour. Yes, she's as snobby as the name sounds - she's even condescendingly called Minnesotans 'little houses' because of their weight. How much cash did Mr. Grassroots take in from the Hollywood elite?

Limited Availability — Autograph Ticket Package: Mercury One is excited to announce that more tickets have been made available for the Restoring Love event in Cowboys Stadium. Get all the details!

The B.S. of A. with Brian Sack: Want to meet that special someone who disagrees with you on everything? Check out Partisan Match. On last night's episode of The B.S. of A. Brian Sack and the gang take you on a behind the scenes tour of Glenn's Unelectable II Comedy Tour - Available on demand NOW for GBTV Plus subscribers. Not a subscriber? Start a 14 day FREE trial today!

Hear the best EU speech ever: politician rips 'the Euro Titanic' that has 'already hit the iceberg'
It really has to be watched to be appreciated, but Nigel Farage put on a clinic earlier this week when he unleashed on the utter failure that is the EU. He mercilessly named names and spared no one. At least someone is speaking the truth in Europe - but is anyone listening?
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