Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Charlie Sheen's epic meltdown continues

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March 01, 2011
On Today's Program

Charlie Sheen: Bipolar? Try Biwinning!

In one of the more incredible 5 minute interview previews you will ever see, Charlie Sheen rants about his view on life, his recent claim to be drug free, and why he believes he won't relapse. When asked why he loved to party, Sheen responded "What's not to love? Especially when you see how I party. Man, it was epic, the run I was on…" and went on to claim that his 'run' made Sinatra, Richards, etc look like "droopy eyed armless children" in comparison. Pray Charlie gets help. Soon. Watch the teaser clip and get Glenn's reaction HERE

Farrakhan: This is the day of your doom

'Minister' Louis Farrakhan delivered a chilling warning over the weekend, and video of his 'sermon' has surfaced that's even more disturbing than the initial headline suggested. He predicted that the unrest in the Middle East would come to America, but went on to say that the Mahdi is here and Obama and others should be careful because it's coming 'to your door' soon. But he said something even crazier than all of that -- Glenn has it on radio today.

Good Deal: Glenn's thriller, The Overton Window, is now available in paperback for only $8.49! A year later, this 'fiction' book sounds a little too real...


Wisconsin socialist: Noodles & Company is a 'dictatorship'

Want to know what type of people are sleeping in the halls of the Capitol in Wisconsin? The Blaze has amazing video of a young Madison socialist who spends some time explaining that the popular Noodles & Company food chain he works for is actually a dictatorship, and laments the fact that they have no say in 'what they cook' or how long they work. Glenn reacts to the clip on radio today - watch the full video HERE (make it to the end of the video and watch this devout socialist make a transaction eerily similar to something that could be described as 'capitalism').

Coming this Thursday: Radical cleric hosts Shariah4America rally!

Shariah4America 'A call for revolution' is coming to Washington D.C. Thursday and they are coming with a mission - get Sharia law instituted here in America. The rally is being led by a controversial cleric who has said that Americans are 'the biggest criminals in the world' and also believes that stoning is an acceptable practice. Get the full story from The Blaze.

"The 7...Live" FREE TOMORROW:  This Wednesday, New Jersey mom Beth Davis will be here with Dr. Ablow. She is the first page turner to turn a page in her life by taking the "7 Day Pledge" to help turn her life around. You will also meet New York artist Brian Farrell who continues to heal himself using the 7 Wonders. His amazing and inspirational story will show you regardless of how low you may feel you are never too low to pull yourself out of darkness and live your life the way God intended. Watch this week's inspirational episode for FREE tomorrow live at 2 pm ET and watch previous episodes HERE.
TV Tonight: How do cupcakes and inflation go together? Glenn explains that and the real American Dream vs. the new progressive version tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel!

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