Thursday, March 3, 2011

Michele Bachmann goes pro-choice?

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March 03, 2011
On Today's Program

Van Jones creates anti-police school curriculum

Most people shrug off Van Jones as insignificant - but is he? After being exposed and canned from the White House, Jones landed in the friendly confines of the George Soros Center For American Progress. The curriculum? The former founder of the anti-police group 'Cop Watch' -- after the lesson the kids will 'know who Van Jones is' (really?) and join one of his websites to become an activist. Unions - is THIS who you want to stand in 'solidarity' with? Glenn has details on radio today

Obama says race 'key component' with Tea Party 

In a very candid interview, President Obama said that 'race is still an issue' for him and that a 'key component' of the Tea Party is racism. That's quite a claim considering there's no evidence of racism - the best argument supporting that theory is 'President Obama is African American. Tea Parties oppose the President's policies. Therefore Tea Parties are racist. What'd Glenn think of the comments? He explained on radio today. 

Glenn gives Holder a pass?

Not that the left would ever, ever give Glenn the benefit of the doubt on anything he says, but he's doing so with Eric Holder and his 'my people' comment. Initially the comment seemed to be worse than it actually was - and about 45 seconds before doing a block on TV about it last night, Glenn ditched the script and bailed on it. Why? Hear the debate with Glenn, Pat and Stu on radio today

The Overton Window Paperback version - now scarier than ever before as fiction is becoming fact with each passing day. Read more

Michael Moore says wealth a 'national resource' for the taking

Wealthy filmmaker Michael Moore apparently isn't too fond of his own wealth, because he's demanding that the government forcibly take it from him. Of course, Moore fails to realize that he could just spread the wealth on his own - and instead declares wealth a 'national resource' that government should be entitled to. Get the story from The Blaze.

Michele Bachmann makes Glenn break out Barry White 

Why is Glenn giddy over Michele Bachmann's pro-choice law proposal? Because it's pro-choice on light bulbs. Incandescent light bulbs are being phased out by the government so that people are basically forced to use CFL's instead. Get all the details from The Blaze and see Glenn's hilarious reaction from radio. 

TV Tonight:  An episode every officer, firefighter union member should see - who your 'leadership' really cares about. Do not miss Glenn tonight at 5pm only on Fox News!

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