| March 18, 2011 | | On Today's Program MSNBC: Bible a 'work of fiction' Just when you thought MSNBC couldn't get any more hostile towards conservatives they refer to God as Hitler. Lawrence O'Donnell went on a bizarre tirade against Glenn, and in the process declared the Bible (specifically the book of Revelation) to be a 'work of fiction' that portrays God as a 'mass murderer beyond Hitler's wildest dreams.' O'Donnell is not satisfied to be merely a non believer, and can't resist letting the hate flow. Watch the bigoted hate rant via The Blaze, and get Glenn's reaction to the story HERE. Parallel universe? France leading the way on Libya If Glenn were to have said a year ago that France would be leading the military charge on Libya and not the United States - there's no way you would have believed it. France surrendering to Libya? Plausible. But leading the charge? Not a chance. The thought of America no longer being the leader of the 'free world' has been a foreign one -- until now. Glenn has more on radio today. | |  | | Want to meet the pastiest white man in America? Your chance to meet Glenn Beck. Find out how by clicking HERE. Amidst world chaos, Obama embarks on trip to beautiful Rio de Janeiro! The President apparently doesn't care how bad all the golfing, NCAA prediction, vacations to exotic locations look to the American people because he's off to tropical Brazil. But, he'll probably get some work done while he's there. For example, he'll be able to personally congratulate the company who got the go ahead on the first ever deep water floating production storage facility in the Gulf of Mexico. Was it BP? Exxon? Shell? Nope. Glenn has the answer on radio today (HINT: Think spooky dude). | | Is this the Scariest Drawing you've ever seen? Here's something unusual... Today I would like to show you a drawing...unlike any drawing you have ever seen before. It's actually quite scary, but in this artist's rendition, you will also learn a valuable piece of information, which could potentially be worth a small fortune to you over the next few years. I know this all sounds rather cryptic, but it will all make sense when you check out the presentation we've posted HERE. Sponsor Message | | | Czar-at-Large Year in Review: Included in the exclusive Insider Extreme Special broadcast from Wednesday night was Czar-at-Large Brian Sack's year in review. You can watch the clip for FREE HERE. SE CUPP: On today's S.E. Cupp show, S.E. explored the science behind promiscuity. Could there really be a genetic reason some people are so, um, free with their loving? Check out what S.E. has to say on this ground breaking scientific discovery with this FREE CLIP. Insider Extreme members can watch the full hour on demand. Shock Video: Subway brawl caught on tape. It all starts when a woman asks what type of 'animals' eat on a train. It goes downhill from there. WATCH Judge halts new Wisconsin Labor Law get all the details at The Blaze. Need a laugh? Glenn gets back in touch with his comedy roots (yes, before the news became so dire, Glenn's craft was comedy) and will be in Texas next Friday and Saturday and several other cities for a week in mid-April for his new comedy tour. Find out if he is coming to a city near you HERE. TV Tonight: Japan - how are their people handling the crisis? And why is it different from how Americans deal with them? Find out tonight at 5pm only on The Fox News Channel! | | | | |
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