Thursday, March 10, 2011

Shock video: Wisconsin protesters attack police

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March 10, 2011
On Today's Program

Wisconsin passes collective bargaining ban without Dems

It's hard to look at these Democrats as anything but sore losers - nobody wanted Obamacare either, but had to sit and take it because Dems had control. Republicans showed up to work, argued and voted against it. These guys are acting like a bunch of 2 year olds who don't want to eat their peas. Serves them right for abandoning the state for 3 weeks. The bill now heads to the state assembly for approval. Get the complete details from The Blaze HERE.

Sore losers attack police (video)

Protesters swarmed the Capitol after the GOP passed the collective bargaining ban, and because it was after hours police had to try and prevent them from entering. The violent mob then burst through the police and the conflict was caught on tape. You can view the stunning video of the reckless, violent Wisconsin protesters HERE.
Send death threats to Wis. GOP

The 'civil tone' craze was soooooo January 2011, obviously, because the left has abandoned their high and mighty stance on civility and they are sending death threats to GOP officials in Wisconsin. Check out some of the shocking emails that are being sent to politicians from those standing in 'solidarity' with Wisconsin unions (who, by the way, are bankrupting the state). DETAILS


Does Michael Moore want to go to jail?

Michael Moore has unleashed a new, yet completely old and tired attack on the wealthy. He's using the age old 'the richest few hold half the wealth in this country.' What Moore fails to point out is that the average American is BY FAR the wealthiest 1% of the world -- so who cares if there are a few uber rich people? Everyone benefits! Moore says these rich people should be jailed. Someone should tell Mikey that he's one of the wealthy in America! DETAILS
RELATED: Wonder if Mikey will go after the Obama family? Check out Michelle's $1000 handbag.

FREE Fusion Article: Check out an article from Glenn's latest Fusion magazine: America's Choice: Market Freedom or Economic Stagnation.

Our Wise Overlords Are Just Here to Serve Us

"The federal government and the weight of its impossible promises are sucking the life out of the American economy. We would not die instantly if this albatross were removed from our necks.  We would flourish," writes Thomas Woods, author of the new book Rollback. In this exclusive Op-Ed, Woods examines the imminent crisis facing America's numerous entitlement programs, and takes a look at the attitude that the current government has which clearly believes man is incapable of ruling himself. Read Wood's Op-Ed HERE and check out his new book Rollback: Repealing Big Government Before the Coming Fiscal Collapse.
ATTENTION MAINSTREAM MEDIA: Gas prices are up 67% since Obama took office. Will ANYONE go after the President on this? STORY

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