Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Obama, NRA duel over Second Amendment

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March 16, 2011
On Today's Program

Obama vs. NRA

Wayne LaPierre is refusing to meet with President Obama on gun control, saying the President should focus on 'bad people' instead of guns. "Why should I or the NRA go sit down with a group of people that have spent a lifetime trying to destroy the Second Amendment?" responded LaPierre. And it's a very good question. Is this the right tactic for the NRA to take? Glenn explains on radio today.

Rob Bell grilled by...MSNBC?

Controversial pastor Rob Bell is finally beginning to make the media rounds on his new book that allegedly claims there is no hell. MSNBC's Martin Bashir starts off with an easy question which Bell fails miserably to answer. Then Bashir gets going and actually grills Bell on his sugar coated 'Christian' message. You can watch the clip at The Blaze

Rev. Wright confirms everything said about him

In case you forgot - Rev. Wright is the man who Obama says taught him everything he knows about Jesus. Glenn was called crazy for pointing out that black liberation theology is Marxism and socialism. Don't look now - here comes Rev. Wright saying that Micah 'almost sounds like a Marxist' and a 'socialist' who sounds like a 'black liberation theologian' and that they are all fighting capitalism. Glenn plays the audio on radio and reacts.


Insider Extreme special TONIGHT!! Don't miss Glenn's fascinating conversation with Steve Emerson, Damon Vickers, Dana Loesch and Brad Thor that took place at Glenn's NYC home. It's the beginning of a discussion Glenn believes America needs to have. Check out this FREE PREVIEW to get a glimpse of what you can expect. Tune in to Insider Extreme tonight at 7 pm EST. Get all the details HERE.

REPORT: Dept. of Education to monitor chatter, Facebook

The Daily Caller is reporting that DOE officials are threatening lawsuits against schools who fail to monitor student lunch and hallway conversations, along with what they are posting on Facebook. Officials are taking a new look at an old law and have interpreted it to be (shocker) much broader in scope than what is currently implemented. Read the full story HERE and get Glenn's reaction from radio today.

Want to meet Glenn? Now you can! Find out how HERE.

Stu Investigates Glenn's Spooky Room: On radio yesterday Glenn ordered Stu to investigate a spooky room that literally made his children cry located in the Mercury offices. Last night with his iPhone Stu took a look behind the door…watch the video to see what happened next.

Glenn takes on The View: The other day the lovely women of The View mocked Glenn's comments that people should turn back to faith and God. Get Glenn's reaction from radio today.

TV Tonight: More on Obama's looming battle with the NRA and the DOE's quest to monitor every word our children say. Don't miss Glenn tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel!

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