"Folks, we are producing this film on a shoestring budget. We are so grateful for your donations, which have allowed us to capture many wonderful moments at the end of last year. Now, we have hit the road for 16 days to ask the hard questions and discover new answers. Gas prices are on the rise, the crew is working into the night, but we keep movin'. Truth is, I can't finish this movie without your support. This is your chance to make a difference and have a positive impact through popular culture. Please consider a $25, $50 or $100 tax deductible donation to our film so we can finish strong! Your generous donation goes entirely to production costs for the Runaway Slave movie.  God Bless and Keep You," CL Bryant The Runaway Slave What are your views on school choice? (A) They destroy the public education system (B) The increased competition makes all schools better (C )Not necessary, the public school system is adequate (Vote Here)  | | | | New film from the makers of the Tea Party Movie! The Runaway Slave movie crew has thawed out from winter & is ready to heat things up! CL Bryant is the last voice you hear in the Tea Party Movie. Now, he is hosting our new film project, "Runaway Slave". Beginning today, we will take a 16-day documentary road trip on the Runaway Slave Underground Railroad Tour. We begin in New York and have stops planned in West Orange, NJ, Philadelphia and, of course, DC. Then we head south to Raleigh, Rock Hill, SC, Atlanta and the home of CL, Louisiana.  Ride with us on the Tour as we post behind-the-scenes footage and more on Twitter & Facebook: - Meet Erik Rush, the first person to expose Obama's ties to militant, radical Chicago preacher Reverend Jeremiah Wright.
- Have an extended conversation with Vanessa, the Conservative brave enough to challenge progressive protesters at Glenn Beck's 8/28 rally (See video here).
- Learn what CL and other Black Conservatives have to say about abortion in the Black community, the dissolution of the Black family, how Conservatives can win over the Black vote in the 21st century & much more!
- Answer the questions: What would you do to get the best education for yourself or your child? Would you bus them to a different part of town? Would you go to jail?
- Get introduced to new up & coming Conservatives from the deep South in a roundtable discussion about the day-to-day challenges of changing hearts & minds in deeply liberal territories.
- Sit down with CL as he shares personal stories about his journey from Democratic Radical to Conservative beacon
This film is scheduled to be finished summer of 2011 | | | |
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