Monday, February 28, 2011

The new American Dream - from socialists?

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February 28, 2011
On Today's Program

The new 'American Dream' - socialists behind protests

Protests were held around the country over the weekend - including places like Seattle where anarchists attacked 'pigs' because they are the 'enemy' keeping them from 'dismantling' the entire system. Van Jones showed up in Washington D.C. with (allegedly) regular average American folk - but who filed the permit for this particular 'American Dream' rally? Glenn has the answer on radio today.

The unrest spreads...

  • Protesters still loitering in Wisconsin - DETAILS
  •  FNC reporter hit by Wisconsin mob (VIDEO
  •  Seattle anarchists go after police - DETAILS
  •  Union thugs in Georgia shove counter-protester into iron fence (VIDEO

Special Offer: The Overton Window paperback version is only $8.49! A year later, this 'fiction' book sounds a little too real...


The latest to now agree with Glenn's opinion he was originally called crazy for: Reuters

The title of the article is 'After the crisis, a worldwide rise in unrest?' and the article begins "With the Middle East in turmoil, other authoritarian states jumpy and post-crisis economic pain prompting protest in western Europe and elsewhere, some suspect a systemic rise in worldwide unrest might just be beginning."  It talks about the unrest in not only Libya but Saudi Arabia, China, Greece, and elsewhere. Get the details HERE.

Biased? Nooo: NPR interviews kindly grey-haired grandmother Francis Fox Piven, talk about meanie Glenn Beck…WATCH

Infamous UK Cleric plans Thursday Sharia Rally in D.C.: 'Rise to implement the Shari'ah in America' - Glenn reacts on radio today.

The Next Big White House Scandal

A very wealthy U.S. citizen has identified a huge political scandal that could erupt this year. If you have any political ties, or concerns about the future of our nation, I strongly encourage you to read this warning right away.

Learn more by watching this free video HERE.

Media ignores meteoric gas price increase

What was the big story in the 2008 election prior to the market collapse? Gas prices. All the Democrats were leading the charge, complaining that George W. Bush and his cronies were in bed with big oil and making prices go up. Hillary Clinton even declared if America wanted gas prices to decrease, elect democrats. How's that working out? Prices have climbed 17 cents in one week. Details HERE.

Stu Blog: Someone on the right attacks Glenn! Panic! Get the details HERE.

New Czar at Large: Union thugs showed their true colors last week. One even threatened to dump a fruit smoothie on his opposition! Who would do such a thing?! A Rhode Island clam shucker. Czar at Large Brian Sack takes a closer look at the smallest state in the nation for answers in his latest episode - available in the specials tab only on Insider Extreme! WATCH

TV Tonight: Workers of the World Unite! Enemies to the Western way of life are on the march, and the media yawns. Glenn exposes more radicals tonight at 5pm only on The Fox News Channel!

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