| February 16, 2011 | | On Today's Program Sunshine and lollipops in Egypt? Reporter sexually assaulted during celebrations Remember how the leftist media was so excited about the "peaceful" revolution in Egypt? Morning Joe's Mika Brzezinski even said that based on the pictures it went "pretty damn well". Well tell that to Lara Logan, a CBS correspondent who was sexually assaulted while covering the "celebrations" in Egypt that followed Mubarak's resignation. Glenn gave his reaction on radio this morning. NYU Fellow posts appalling Tweets: What disgusting, horrible things did a NYU fellow (who has now resigned) have to say about the assault on Logan? Get the full story at The Blaze. "The 7...Live": We told you ANYTHING can happen! Due to technical difficulties we have to delay the show a day - "The 7...Live" will air TOMORROW at 2 pm ET. Peggy Dayton was in an abusive relationship, both physical and mental, and she appeared on the very first episode. She turned to drinking to dull the pain. Tomorrow at 2pm, Dr. Ablow will talk with Peggy to see how she has been progressing, plus will check in with Dave from last week. Get motivated. Get inspired. Watch tomorrow's episode and enjoy previous episodes for FREE HERE. | |  | | Welcome Back Imam! The media continues to neglect the warning signs coming out of Iran, but thankfully Glenn's research team was able to track down the latest statements from Ahmadinejad talking about the "final revolution" currently being guided by the Twelfth Imam. "The final move has begun. We are in the middle of a global revolution managed by the dear 12th Imam. A great awakening is unfolding. One can witness the hand of the Imam in managing it." What did Glenn have to say? (Not a shocker - this is not good). Get Glenn's reaction HERE. Want more on the Twelfth Imam? Check out our exclusive documentary Rumors of War. From Cairo to Madison: Worker unrest spreads Get all the detail from The Blaze. | | Why Republicans Should be Worried A wealthy U.S. citizen, who's neither a Republican nor Democrat, recently issued a major warning about a huge event in 2011 which could affect every American. If you have any political ties, or concerns about the future of our nation, I encourage you to read this warning right away. Watch his free video presentation HERE. | | | Caliphate all over the place "Caliphate" has shown up more in the past few weeks than it has in the past two decades! Is Glenn solely responsible for bringing the term back into the national discourse? Get the full story from The Blaze. Scattered Showers of Journalism Did a journalist actually report on Obama's attempt to spin his latest budget proposal? Did someone really dare to ask The President a follow-up question? Glenn gives his reaction to one of the few reporters actually doing their job and Obama's sloppy attempt to explain his statements which were full of half-truths and even lies. Get the full story at GlennBeck.com. From TV last night: Make your own budget cuts - use this tool to see the kind of cuts that need to be made but no one is making... See Glenn LIVE on tour! This time you'll only cry because you are laughing so hard. Get details and tickets for the upcoming dates already on sale HERE. Plus two new dates in March were announced this week - Houston and San Antonio. The Insider Pre-sale began this morning - Insiders can get their tickets before anyone else HERE. Public on sale begins this Friday. Tonight on TV: Glenn dives further into the Coming Insurrection spreading across the Middle East. Egypt, Iran, Bahrain. And now it's coming to Middle America? Glenn will have the story tonight at 5 pm only on The Fox News Channel. | | | | |
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