Monday, August 15, 2011

Smithsonian disses Thomas Jefferson

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August 15, 2011
On Today's Program

Glenn LIVE in Jerusalem! Glenn lists off the events; visits Fogel family home
Glenn has arrived in Israel and is broadcasting radio live there all week and all the way through the Restoring Courage events in Jerusalem.  He runs down the amazing list of events to take place that will be a 'life changing' experience: Courage to Love 8/21; Courage to Remember 8/22; Courage to Stand 8/24. Glenn describes the events on radio today AND describes a sobering visit to the Fogel family home where the tragic and senseless murders of 3 young children and their parents took place. WATCH
MUST READ OP-ED: Why Jews should stand with Glenn Beck ... READ
Great News! Stu's Wife had the baby this weekend - Zachary Charles was born Saturday night. The amazing thing is now he doesn't have an excuse to not come to Israel. I mean, the baby has been born. Check out Stu's latest blog - A shirt for Jeffy?

Smithsonian disses 'Slaveholder' Thomas Jefferson
There's a new exhibit at the Smithsonian Institute that describes one of America's greatest patriots in history, Thomas Jefferson, only as a slaveholder. That's it. At the same time, they talk about several human rights injustices in America's history - while not naming names. Take a wild guess at who committed those injustices -- America's favorite progressives! Glenn has the stunning audio recording from the display on radio today. WATCH
Warren Buffet uses really dumb argument to support class warfare
Warren Buffet was talking to noted English language butcher Tom Brokaw and made one of the dumbest arguments of all time while arguing for higher taxes. First of all, Warren, WRITE A CHECK to the IRS if you want to give more. Second, he makes the 'my secretary has a higher tax rate than I do' argument by comparing his capital gains tax to their income tax. Capital gains vs. income tax. Not the same thing, bro. Glenn has more including a look into the disturbing, severely slurred speech of Tom Brokaw. WATCH
MSNBC: Religious are either frauds or zealots 
The media has a big problem with religion (specifically Christianity) - they attempt to mask their bigotry but just can't help themselves. All of a sudden, outlets like MSNBC (with a guest from the Huffington Post) are super concerned about all the nut jobs who believe in God - from the fanatics to the snake oil salesman. But they never seem to have a problem when people like Nancy Pelosi is out there saying her favorite word is 'The Word' -- that's completely ok. Glenn has more on this bigotry & hypocrisy sandwich HERE.
Don't just watch - be PART of Restoring Courage: GBTV
All weekend people have been flooding GBTV to watch the FREE offering of GBTV's original documentary "Rumors of War II" in the build up to the Restoring Courage events in Jerusalem, Israel. As old hatreds rear their ugly head once again, it's important to understand what is happening and what can be done to prevent the unthinkable from happening once again. WATCH Rumors of War II HERE and if you've already watched, share it on Facebook or email it to a friend!   ALSO on GBTV: A new Beck University Class this Wednesday on Islam's connection to Jerusalem and what it means for the future of the country—watch a preview clip HERE. Stop watching the world happen from the sidelines - get informed and get involved! GBTV - sign up now!
2012 update: Bachmann wins Iowa; Pawlenty out, Perry in
Expect the media attacks to ramp up on Rick Perry and Michele Bachmann. Now that the pair have surged into the spotlight, they will no doubt be painted as crazy for their religious beliefs. It's a standard attack from a largely Godless media elite who view the idea of an intelligent being - one more intelligent than even them- as poppycock! Glenn has more on the Perry announcement HERE.

Tired of having no entertainment outlets that reflect your values? Check out the first book in Glenn's new publishing imprint - Michael Vey, The Prisoner of Cell 25. 
New Law in California: only fitted sheets #NannyState
Ahhh, California. The state is on fire financially, they're writing IOU's in place of tax refunds, but when it comes to keeping the public safe from harm they're second to none: They're now proposing mandatory fitted sheets. Yes, mandatory fitted sheets. Maybe they're just in bed with the guy from the Sheet Keeper commercials? Get the full story HERE.
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