Thursday, August 11, 2011

Epic anti-Obama video rant WATCH

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August 11, 2011
On Today's Program

Epic viral video rant against Obama (Language Warning)
Someone going by the name Felonious Munk - a guy who apparently posts rants on YouTube - has come up with an epic rant on Obama & government re: paying the bills. Very funny stuff - but be warned, lots of swear bombs are dropped in this video. And if you watch it too many times you will find yourself saying 'B' in between everything you say. Glenn plays the edited version on radio today, plus get the full video (content warning) HERE.
A lib Glenn might vote for? MUST SEE VIDEO: The mayor of Philadelphia has a few choice words for the rioters there. Great stuff - Glenn plays the clip and reacts on radio today. WATCH it and pass it on!
George Soros paid for sex?
Soros denies that claim, but an ex 'girlfriend' is suing him for $50 million dollars claiming the billionaire progressive tried to choke her. The relationship was described by Soros' attorney as 'on and off' and 'non-exclusive' which translated from bullcrap to English means prostitute. Glenn has more on the allegations on radio today - get the details at

Hezbollah official strategizes: Islamist destruction of Israel after U.S. leaves Iraq – DETAILS.
Israel's Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Blesses Restoring Courage Event
Glenn was granted a special meeting with Israel's Ashkenazi Chief Rabbi Yona Metzger. Glenn and the Chief Rabbi discuss preparations for the August 24th Restoring Courage event in Jerusalem – FREE CLIP. Watch Glenn and the Chief Rabbi connect on issues of faith and as the Chief Rabbi offers his support of the event. For more information on the three Restoring Courage events click HERE
Glenn, Stu, Pat talk 2012 candidates
Glenn, Stu & Pat challenge each other to pick, if the election were today, their favorite candidate in the 2012 race so far. Conservatives haven't aligned behind any candidate just yet, the debate on radio today makes it apparent as to why. Who did Glenn pick? Check out the segment at
Tired of mortgaging your house in order to pay for a night out at a concert, Broadway show or sporting event? feels your pain and has partnered with ScoreBig to help. At ScoreBig, you will pay below retail price on all of your live entertainment needs – guaranteed. Go to and receive $50 worth of buying power for only $25 with ScoreBig! 
Take GBTV for a test drive: Rumors of War II FREE TOMORROW
With the Restoring Courage events rapidly approaching, Glenn wants to make sure as many people as possible see GBTV's original documentary Rumors of War II. If you, a friend or family member aren't sure why standing with Israel is so important, watch this documentary - and pass it on! It will be available for FREE tomorrow!  Besides being important, this documentary is just a taste of what is to come on GBTV. Sign up now and catch the latest episode of The Making of GBTV -- a great behind the scenes look at the chaos involved in putting together an entire network in just a couple of months. Sign up now!!
LOL: Mahmoud Ahmadinejad scolds London for violence - DETAILS
Liberal Elites don't like daily deals, apparently
Business Insider has a great article today which shows that twice as many people joined the NRA as purchased NYT subscriptions. From the article: "The New York Times scored 1,776 subscriptions with a Living Social on Monday. According to a source, the National Rifle Association sold 3,400 memberships (which include a subscription to the NRA's American Rifleman) through its offer. Markdown is Glenn Beck's e-commerce venture. Clearly, it's doing well." Check out the full story HERE and get the details on's latest deal HERE.
Who is paying for Cynthia McKinney to travel around America and bash the U.S.?
It's a really good question, and McKinney had absolutely no idea how to answer that claim. It's like she never suspected someone might look into who is funding a global American bashing tour. Glenn has the highlight (lowlight) reel of the former Congresswoman's outrageous and relentless hammering of America on radio today. How does this crazy audio (and crazy former Congresswoman) help prove one of Glenn's supposedly 'crazy' theories? Catch the segment on radio today. WATCH
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