Monday, May 2, 2011

OBL is sleeping with the fishes

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May 02, 2011
On Today's Program

Osama bin Laden is dead!

News of an incredible operation to take out Osama bin Laden broke late last night and shortly after President Obama delivered a message that every American has been waiting to hear: Osama bin Laden is dead. He wasn't found in the mountains or in a cave - he was in suburban Pakistan living in a $1 million compound with 12-18 ft walls and very few windows.  Bin Laden reportedly resisted and was killed during a firefight. The only bizarre thing was that the administration made sure to uphold Muslim burial traditions. Why would any non-radical Muslim want this dirt bag to get a proper Muslim burial? Glenn has a few other ideas on what should have been done with the body. Get Glenn's first reaction on radio today...

Former Spec Ops soldier calls burial at sea a 'mistake'

Former Special Ops soldier and now noted reporter/writer Michael Yon, who has done arguably more embedded troop reporting than anyone, is calling the burial at sea a big mistake that will cause problems down the road. The reason for the burial at sea was a good one - to avoid having a burial shrine for radicals to pay homage to someone they perceive as a martyr. So why could this backfire? Glenn interviews Yon on radio today and goes over the possible negative consequences. Watch the interview HERE.

How the raid went down: The Blaze has the blow by blow of how this all came to fruition plus pictures of Osama's compound.
Footage of OBL's 'compound' in the burbs: ABC has the first video from inside Osama's fortified sanctuary WATCH 

George W. Bush: "The fight against terror goes on, but tonight America has sent an unmistakable message: No matter how long it takes, justice will be done."
Bill Clinton: Bin Laden's death "a profoundly important moment not just for the families of those who lost their lives on 9/11 and in al-Qaida's other attacks but for people all over the world who want to build a common future of peace, freedom, and cooperation for our children."
Stu: Cracks open cold beer on radio... tries to convince Glenn to join in – WATCH.

Is that a real picture of Osama bin Laden dead? *Warning: Disturbing Photos – Stu tackles Osama photos HERE.


Sounds and reactions around the world

As news of Osama's death began to spread like wildfire across the internet, spontaneous celebrations began to erupt all across the country. Students in Washington, DC rushed to celebrate in front of the White House. Fans at the Phillies/Mets game began chanting 'USA! USA!' New Yorkers flocked to ground Zero and Times Square waving American flags. Glenn plays the reactions from around the country... check out the great reactions and Glenn's reaction HERE.

SE Cupp broadcasts live from Ground Zero

SE Cupp does her Insider Extreme broadcast live from Ground Zero - the best place to capture the emotion of what New Yorkers are feeling today. Real reactions from real New Yorkers - you can be assured political correctness will be tossed out the window. Be there by signing up for Insider Extreme! The SE Cupp show airs every weekday at 1 pm ET – and all shows are available on demand.

REMEMBER: Glenn plays a chilling reminder of why people are celebrating in the streets - the gut wrenching, raw audio that brings you right back to that fateful Tuesday morning back in September of 2001. Listen HERE.
OBL is dead - what happens next?

Glenn spoke on radio today with Michael Scheuer - the former head of the CIA's unit tracking Osama bin Laden. OBL is gone and today is a great day - but what does that mean with regard to the war on terror? Do we bail on Afghanistan now? Will we commit enough forces to destroy what's left of the Taliban and Al Qaeda? Or do we call it a day and let them declare victory over another world super power? Check out Glenn's interview on radio today with the man who hunted OBL for years...WATCH.

TV Tonight: What next? Glenn reacts to the news of Osama bin Laden's death and looks to what will happen next because of it -- don't miss Glenn tonight at 5pm only on Fox News!

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