Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Glenn critics get totally owned

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May 31, 2011
On Today's Program

Owned! Socialists confirm Glenn's craaaaazy 'conspiracy theory'

The way the media mocked Glenn during what they celebrated as a 100% pure as the driven snow Arab Spring is looking more and more silly with each passing day. First, the extremist anti-Israel Muslim Brotherhood have positioned themselves to grab power - and now, prominent socialists are openly bragging about how they 'coalesced' with other groups during this uprising to achieve one goal: end capitalism and the western way of life. Oh, and Israel is the 'enemy' and they, along with America, are the true obstacle to their socialist utopia. Hey! That's exactly what Glenn said all along! Watch the disturbing video HERE and get Glenn's reaction HERE

Think your kids are being taught the Constitution? LOL

And when we say 'taught' we don't mean in the 'charter of negative liberties' type of way. We are living in a time when the American way of life is under attack from all angles - so it's more important now than ever to teach our kids about the important founding work our forefathers accomplished. That's why Glenn is especially excited to announce his newest book, The Original Argument: The Federalists' Case for the Constitution, Adapted for the 21st Century. Get the details and read more HERE.

Obama's CNN buddy scolds Netanyahu

CNN's Fareed Zakaria came out with the not surprising opinion that Benjamin Netanyahu was out of line disagreeing with Obama's Middle East proposal. How should Netanyahu have responded instead? Fareed says Netanyahu should have thanked President Obama for being so awesome to Israel. The segment almost sounded as if it were done by one of Obama's advisors -- oh, wait -- it was! Glenn played Fareed's Netanyahu b-slap on radio today, check out his reaction HERE.

Krauthammer: Why is the President belittling Israel? STORY
WATCH: Homeland Security video that will 'scare the pants' off you
Remember when you thought the movie Minority Report was ridiculous? It still kinda is -- but Homeland Security is doing their best to be as creepy as possible. Check out their new pre-crime screening system that scans Americans at large events to see who is most likely to commit a crime. Don't believe it? Watch the video HERE.
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PC: Asian student accused of being White Supremacist
One would think being Asian would be enough to dissuade people from labeling them a white supremacist, but apparently that's not the case. A group of students decided to wear white t-shirts on senior picture day and were reprimanded for doing so amidst accusations they intimidated other students and were white supremacists. What does the accused student, who is Asian, think about being labeled a white supremacist? Hear the audio and get Glenn's take at GlennBeck.com.
TV Tonight:  The video all the Glenn critics hope you don't see - don't miss a special Glenn Beck program tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel!
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