Thursday, March 31, 2011

The most ridiculous question ever asked on TV?

Glenn Beck Newsletter
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March 31, 2011
On Today's Program

PC police: Easter Egg Hunt
A small Ohio town is making national headlines for all the wrong reasons after they made the fateful decision to remove 'Easter' from the title of the town's annual Easter egg hunt. As if reducing the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ to a day about stuffing your face full of chocolate wasn't already enough for the PC crowd. Glenn has the story on radio today.

Apocalypse? Hershey to raise chocolate prices
Unsustainable national debt? Inflation? Israel surrounded? Iran triggering return of 12th Imam? Forget all that. A clear sign that the end of the world is near is that Hershey is set to raise the price of chocolate by almost 10% to offset higher production costs. Would the world revolt without chocolate? Glenn has more on the possible Chocopocalypse on radio today.
Wow: Glenn's stunning interview with 12 year old genius

Last night on TV Glenn interviewed Jacob Barnett, the 12-year-old with a 170 IQ whose hobbies include expanding Einstein's Theory of Relativity and disproving the Big Bang theory. Check out the interview which includes young Jacob teaching Glenn by writing on his NYC office windows. Watch it HERE.


Dry run? Or just a wrong turn?
At Camp Pendleton three Middle Eastern men made multiple terroristic, hateful threats and then followed that up by making multiple attempts to penetrate the base. They did not stop when told and had to be pursued and detained. They were later released – but then returned to the base AGAIN. Get the report from The Blaze.

The most ridiculous question ever asked on TV: It comes courtesy of Matt Lauer who raised the stupidity bar to a whole new level during an interview with Michele Bachmann. Listen to the question and Glenn's reaction HERE.

Rolling Stone slandering the troops?

Glenn interviews Michael Yon on radio today about the Rolling Stone's piece on the 'Kill Team' in Afghanistan. Yon is a vet who served in our Special Forces and is now a freelance writer who has been embedded with troops several times. He says the piece was 'BS' and has even more choice words for the writer of the piece - hear why he is up in arms on radio today.

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Glenn interviews NASCAR Superstar

Michael Waltrip joined radio today to talk about his new book – In the Blink of an Eye: Dale, Daytona, and the Day that Changed Everything – and how the tragic death of fellow driver Dale Earnhardt changed his life. How was he able to find peace with the whole situation? Check out the personal interview from radio today.

Cupp vs. Waltrip: Plus check out this FREE clip of SE Cupp racing Michael Waltrip at the Daytona 500. Well…sort of.

Trump Doctrine agenda item #1137: "Cease all imports except for Eastern Bloc women"...What would life be like under President Trump? Read his doctrine. Expand on it yourself. Find out how HERE.

INSIDER EXTREME Wilmington, OH: How are the folks of Wilmington, Ohio doing several months after their troubles and inspiring fight to overcome made national headlines? Insider Extreme cameras dropped by the town once again to find out how things are going. Where do they stand? Find out in the specials tab only on Insider Extreme.

TV Tonight:  The timeline that explains America's seemingly bizarre current foreign policy -- watch Glenn tonight at 5pm only on Fox News!

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Glenn Beck Program | 1270 Avenue of the Americas | New York, NY 10020

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Wednesday, March 30, 2011

America's most dangerous couple? Sunstein's wife sways Obama

Glenn Beck Newsletter
Follow Glenn on Facebook Follow Glenn on Twitter
March 30, 2011
On Today's Program

Cass Sunstein's wife 'has Obama's ear'

The NYT ran a feature article on Cass Sunstein's wife ('Still Crusading, but Now on the Inside') that explains how this former activist is now part of the President's inner circle when it comes to foreign policy. She's allegedly the voice who pushed the President into 'kinetic military action' with Libya. Glenn explains why the most dangerous man in America's wife is…well, dangerous. Get the details from radio today.

Chevy Volt fails to start during car show

Not only does the car not start, it's also not really electric. GM got massive government subsidies while covering up the fact that its gas power backup is actually more than a backup - it's on when the battery is low and when the car travels at highway speeds. Glenn has more on radio today.

Stephen Lerner doubles down: this is our moment!

No one in the press feels the need to question Lerner on his economic terrorism plot against the United States, but they sure are happy to let him spew his anti-American propaganda in fabulous op-ed columns! Is Lerner backing off his desire to crash the U.S. stock market and in turn the economy? Or is he doubling down? One guess what this radical union thug is doing...find out HERE.


Ayers & Dohrn fantasize about one world government (video)

This tender, loving, radical couple has been revolting for decades now. For a guy who allegedly has no connection to the President whatsoever, he seems to be a highly sought after speaker. The former domestic terrorists took questions and lovingly wax poetic about the possibility of a one world government system. Those crazy kids will never stop the craziness! STORY

Obama to address high energy prices

If he was consistent he'd declare mission accomplished because he's 'necessarily' skyrocketed energy prices. But he's not, so he's going to pretend he's concerned while blaming the oil companies. Obama's solution? Cut back oil imports and tell Americans to 'decrease consumption' of oil and burn more food for fuel (ethanol). Glenn explains how truly horrific these 'solutions' are on radio today.

Pulled from TV!

I recently produced a 60-second "political" television commercial that a major network and cable provider refused to air. What exactly could be so offensive that it would cause networks like Fox and even the folks at DirecTV to pull this off the air? It's a scary situation and I'll let you decide for yourself whether or not you think this information should be made public. You can get the full story HERE.

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Now Playing on Insider Extreme:

Today SE Cupp sat down for an interview with infamous political strategist Roger Stone, the man the Weekly Standard aptly dubbed the "lord of political mischief". Speaking candidly, Stone, who is a close personal friend of Donald Trump, discussed Trump's recent flirtation with the birther movement and what it means about the Donald's plans for a possible 2012 presidential candidacy.  Is Trump's new passion for the president's birth certificate a calculated political move? Or is this a genuine issue that concerns the host of The Apprentice? Check out Stone's surprising answer with today's FREE video clip HERE! PLUS Czar-at-Large Brian Sack highlights the real 'most important' stories of the week – Insider Extreme members can watch this week's episode in the specials tab. Don't miss out – get Insider Extreme today.

More Trump: Stu considers what a Trump presidency might look like in his latest blog. It's a deeply thought-out checklist - check it out HERE.

Chuck Schumer microphone fail

Senator Schumer didn't realize the microphone was live and that reporters could hear when he explained how 'the caucus' instructed him to always use the word 'extreme' when talking about the Tea Party in order to marginalize them. Undeterred Democrats conduct the press call anyway and still use the word 'extreme' several times. Glenn has audio and reaction on radio today.

Not bikini pictures: By popular demand, here are the non-bikini pictures of Glenn Beck from his recent tour stop in Texas over the weekend. View them HERE. Plus Glenn and the crew will be hitting the road again starting next Friday for an entire week - find out if he is coming to a city near you and get your tickets HERE.
TV Tonight: Is this generation the modern day Alamo? Don't miss Glenn tonight at 5pm only on Fox News!

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