Thursday, March 1, 2012

Shock: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43

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March 01, 2012
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Greece is a country coming apart at the seams, mired in chaos and violence, on the brink of economic collapse and America has been mimicking their every move. Glenn visited Greece recently and caught some amazing footage, learning a lot in a very short time period. See the footage and the lessons America can learn from it tonight during the Glenn Beck Program - live at 5pm (or on demand) - Glenn's 6 hours in Greece. Don't miss it on GBTV!

Commit to being a better person: David Barton will also join Glenn in studio tonight for the rebuttal to Time Magazine's hit piece on George Washington. Glenn brings you the truth about our country's first President and the next step in the Being George Washington Challenge. We'll check in on how the participants are doing so far and what lies ahead for the month of March. Get all the details on March's challenge!

One Day Sale! Get the all new "I am George Washington" T-shirt - available today for only $17.91. Offer ends at midnight tonight - order now!

Shock: Andrew Breitbart dead at 43
News broke during the radio broadcast this morning that conservative blogger Andrew Breitbart had passed away suddenly and unexpectedly late last night near his home in Los Angeles. The 43-year-old leaves behind a wife and 4 children -- so far 'natural causes' is the only culprit named in his death. Get Glenn's reaction on this tragic and surprising news from radio today.

MORE: Scott Baker, Blaze Editor-in-Chief and former Breitbart colleague, discusses his passing – WATCH.

Left hate on display: hate tweets just minutes after news of Breitbart death
That didn't take long - mere minutes after news of Andrew Breitbart's death spread across the internet, Twitter and social media became infected with hatred. Lefty bloggers and others celebrated the demise of Breitbart declaring the 'world outlook' is better with him gone, name calling and much much worse. Get reaction to the hatred or simply go on Twitter and search #Breitbart and you can't miss the hate. 

13-year-old African American silenced by unions, school
13-year-old Jada Williams gave an emotional account on GBTV yesterday of her current battle with her school and teachers. She wrote an essay about Frederick Douglass and expressed frustration that her teachers hadn't taught her about American heroes like him, only to have her teachers ban together and target the young teen. The onslaught that followed has left her questioning free speech in America -- just talking about it reduced her to tears last night

What is Stu's conspiracy theory on the GOP Primary Race? Find out HERE.

Newt resurgence?
Could it be? Newt Gingrich has done virtually nothing since winning South Carolina which seems like years ago - but does that mean he's down and out? The GOP race has been a roller coaster of ups and downs this year so anything could happen, including Newt 'I love FDR more than Reagan' Gingrich rising again. What does Glenn see happening next?

NY Doctor Discovers Hormone That Doubles Your Weight Loss
Dr. Steven Sisskind, M.D. has created a FREE VIDEO about the exciting new hormone – called adiponectin – that's proven in human studies to double weight loss.  WATCH NOW
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Obama refuses to declare Iraq war victory
President Obama continues his string of foreign policy gaffes, this time acting a bit embarrassed when asked if the Iraq war was a victory. Obama also said his apology had helped 'calm' things in the region - someone tell that to our troops because Afghan soldiers again turned on American troops and fired, killing two. Why does Obama seem to be so indifferent and sometimes outright hostile (he also wants to reduce health benefits for those in the military) to our troops? Glenn has more.

Learn the skill of preparedness: Markdown has the highest selling disaster preparedness book on the market – at 42% off! With Making the Best of Basics Family Preparedness Handbook, you'll learn everything you need to keep your family safe and secure. Bring the skill of preparedness to your family today, visit

More on GBTV tonight:
  • Real News: Ron Paul's dispute with Ben Bernanke on Capitol Hill has reignited debate over hard currency. The Real News panel will discuss gold, silver, and what you may want to keep on hand tonight at 7pm ET or on demand.
  • The B.S. of A: Tonight Brian discovers what life would be like if "snobs" didn't go to college. Need a good laugh? Don't miss an all new episode of The B.S. of A tonight live at 8pm ET or on demand.
  • GBTV Next Generation Internship: We are looking for forward, out of the box thinkers to intern for GBTV. If you like what you see on network TV, this internship is NOT for you. Get all the details on the internship HERE
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