Friday, March 9, 2012

See the 'pink slime' being put in foods you eat

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March 09, 2012
On Today's Program

GBTV Tonight: The Modern Survivalist! The host of the Survival Podcast offers common sense principles to refine your lifestyle while preparing for the worse. It's the epitome of rugged individualism. Don't miss For the Record -  live at 5pm ET (or on demand) on GBTV!

Tonight on Real News: Are we in an economic recovery? That's what the media and the administration continue to tout, but according to the most recent unemployment figures jobless claims are on the rise. PLUS, the latest installment of the Real History Series: The man who inspired Ronald Reagan's economic philosophy, Andrew Mellon -- Tonight at 7pm ET (or on demand) only on GBTV Plus

Jada Williams appears on GBTV: Glenn talked about the incredible story currently unfolding of a 13-year-old girl in the fight of her life after daring to question why she wasn't being taught certain things at school. Now the weight of unions, teachers, and districts are being thrown at her. Get the highlights from last night's show and more from radio HERE.

O'Reilly: Who is running Sandra Fluke?
Bill O'Reilly went off on the Sandra Fluke saga last night on his top ranking program The O'Reilly Factor, questioning it's spontaneity. O'Reilly questioned who was organizing her media blitz, managing logistics and everything else it takes to pull this off. After some digging, O'Reilly bluntly states it all leads back to the White House. How? Find out here.

Miley Cyrus in trouble after calling "forget Jesus" poster "beautiful" on Twitter STORY.

Are you getting 401(k) advice?  A recent AON Hewitt study reveals that 401(k) participants who seek professional investment advice outperform those who do not by almost 3% annually.  Watch Glenn discuss how Financial Guard can help you avoid common mistakes. If  you sign up at now and enter the promo code "glenn", you'll receive a 14 day free trial. 

Turkey & Cheese? No. Pink slime? Yes!
The lunch police have made headlines recently, particularly when one school official actually confiscated a packed lunch they deemed unhealthy. But at the same time, the FDA has approved wide usage of a food substance called 'pink slime' that, as the name suggests, is allegedly not healthy. Glenn, Pat & Stu talk processed foods: as bad as people say? WATCH

What would those TSA X-rays say if they could speak?
A few weeks ago Glenn saw images from the TSA scanners and thought, what would these images say if they could speak? Obviously they can't, but you can. Benjamin Franklin said, "They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary safety deserve neither." Isn't this exactly what we are doing today? Shouldn't we be more afraid of losing our freedom? WATCH and share with your friends--put it on Facebook, Twitter, and put it in front of as many people as you can.

Jobless rate flat at 8.3% 
Yesterday Gallup came out with a survey that indicated the unemployment rate is at 9.1%, but the government came out today with a figure that keeps the unemployment rate flat at 8.3% - what is causing the latest slowdown and where does it go from here? MORE

Breaking News: 47-year-old Patriot Discovers "Weird" Trick To Slash Your Power Bill & Beat Obama's Electricity Monopoly For Good. Click Here
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Obama's big government has failed: here's a free market solution
Most job creation in an economic rebound comes from small business. Get connected with great small businesses around America and get America going again! Get all the details on Glenn's brand new Markdown Marketplace and how you can get involved

American taxpayers subsidizing $50 light bulbs
Anyone who thought turning over the nations light bulb management to the Federal Government was a good idea is unsurprisingly eating crow today. The $10 million award (taxpayer $$) for a 'green' but affordable LED light bulb went to Phillips. They developed and built it, now the bulb is ready to hit the market -- for a cost of $50. MORE

General Jerry Boykin
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta's admission that he seeks international permission ahead of Congressional approval shocked a lot of Americans. Glenn talked with General (Ret) Jerry Boykin on radio today about that and the Joseph Kony story, which has caught fire on the internet. WATCH.

Radical leftist Piven predicts Occupy heading into 'trouble' phase
She's back! Your favorite leftist radical, France Fox Piven, has spoken out on what she sees coming with the next wave of the Occupy movement. While admitting Occupy benefitted from favorable press coverage (nooooooo way) she added that the next phase is where OWS moves into the 'trouble' phase. Buckle up! Glenn has more on radio today.
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