Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Santorum attacked for believing in good & evil

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February 22, 2012
On Today's Program

GBTV Tonight: Brad Thor hosts a special episode on the decline of culture in America and also the latest on the rise of the Islamic Caliphate including the frightening details on the latest Caliphate conference. Don't miss it live tonight at 5pm ET (or on demand) only on GBTV!

Real News: Potentially the final GOP primary debate of the primary season is tonight. So, what's at stake? Real News from The Blaze will answer that and more tonight at 7pm ET – Only on GBTV Plus.

Glenn reacts to Graham's MSNBC interview 
Glenn didn't get a chance to talk about Franklin Graham's heated interview on MSNBC yesterday so he took it on today. The MSNBC crew relentlessly tried to get Graham to say that Obama is not a Christian, which he clearly refused to say, but that didn't stop the hosts from declaring he said it anyway. Glenn plays the interview and reacts on radio today

Geithner: yeah, we don't have any solutions
A rare moment of honesty from the Obama administration after Paul Ryan grilled Treasury Secretary and overall buffoon Timothy Geithner about their incoherent efforts to 'fix' the economy. Geithner finally cracked under the pressure and actually admitted that yeah, the administration doesn't have a long-term plan for anything. But they do know one thing - Paul Ryan's plan stinks! Get the audio and Glenn's reaction

Get your Goat On: The Belcastro family is getting ready to welcome a new addition to their farm. The family goats are about to have babies! You can watch the countdown and stay updated on the progress in this FREE Live Goat Cam. Plus tonight don't miss an all new episode of Independence USA as Frank sets out to make a hybrid vehicle that can run on gas, propane, and even horse manure. Will he succeed? Live at 8pm ET (or on demand) - Start you GBTV Plus free trial now.

OMG! Rick Santorum is religious!
Now that Rick Santorum is giving Romney a run for his money in the GOP primary, the media and others have opposition research teams in full assault mode. Yesterday they unleashed what was billed as some sort of devastating past comments in which the former senator said he thought Satan had his sights on America. Oh my gosh! What will those crazy Christians say next! Why doesn't someone ask Obama since he's been touting his Christian credentials lately. Glenn responds on radio. PLUS don't miss Santorum on GBTV for a full hour TOMORROW - live at 5pm ET!

While America suffers, Obama parties
Glenn goes off on President Obama today for turning the White House into a nightclub for all his favorite musical acts. While America suffers with massive unemployment, massive debt problems, massive corruption - the Obama family is off on vacation after vacation, playing golf, and throwing ridiculous parties at the White House. Out of touch? Watch Obama's latest singing performance.

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Whether you are preparing for an emergency, an outdoor enthusiast or just want safe drinking water in your home, Berkey has a system for you. Click HERE for FREE SHIPPING!
Featured Sponsor

Celebrate the extraordinary life of George Washington! is offering a two book package including The Real George Washington and Being George Washington PLUS two pocket constitutions. Glenn talks about the special offer on radio. Limited quantities are available - get yours while supplies last at

Houston school folds on forced Obama poem
Parents of a local Houston school were not exactly thrilled when their kids in kindergarten brought home a poem that glorified President Barack Obama. The students were told they had to learn the 'chant' that included wonderful themes surrounding the President such as, "Who's gonna answer our every call?" and "Who do we know is the man?" The school eventually backed down. Glenn reads the ridiculous lyrics of the poem.

WARNING: If you are offended by the term 'cracker' then DO NOT WATCH last night's epic Glenn Beck segment on the ESPN/Jeremy Lin 'scandal.'

Glenn and Bill O'Reilly talk global peace movement: What does Bill think about Glenn's trip to Europe? WATCH.
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