Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Did you catch Obama's scariest SOTU line?

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January 25, 2012
On Today's Program

Can't miss GBTV Lineup TONIGHT:
  • Total Surveillance and the Need for Preparation: Tonight Glenn shows you how close you are to losing man's freedom. Things that you've never heard of before. A two hour special on 1984, today. Do NOT miss tonight's show – live at 5pm ET & on demand.
  • Real News: Another BIG miss from the mainstream media: The "Real News" team discuss the president's disturbing confession from last night's State of the Union that should have raised a few red flags. Find out more tonight at 7pm ET on "Real News from the Blaze."
  • Life without electricity? Tonight on GBTV's new reality show, Independence USA, find out what's in store for the Belcastro family as they figure out how to survive in a world without electricity. Check out the preview and make sure to watch tonight at 8pm ET on GBTV!

And the scariest Obama line of the night is... 
There was quite a stunning few sentences from Obama last night that left Glenn speechless and of course the media failed to report it. It's possible they neglected the sound bite because Obama is more and more willing to talk about it, so it's not all that new. He sounded more like someone trying to destroy the Constitution than someone who swore an oath to protect it. Glenn reacts to the most ominous moment of the night. WATCH

I think we can call this a Marco Rubio endorsement for President. What do you think?

Ann Coulter: "It's going to be very hard to beat Obama" 
Author and commentator Ann Coulter joined the radio program today to recap the State of the Union speech last night & Obama's Bin Laden stories that practically made it sound as if he was the SEAL who dashed in and killed OBL. Coulter also has the most depressing stat on why the GOP has a tall task in beating Obama. Find out HERE.

New Glenn Prediction: Economic Collapse is Coming 
Last year Glenn was called a crazy conspiracy theorist for predicting the protests in Egypt would spread across the Middle East to Europe, and eventually to the United States. Sounds similar to the Arab Spring and Occupy Wall Street, doesn't it? Glenn has a new theory on what's coming with the economy, and the pattern is painfully similar to that of the protests. Glenn explained on GBTV last night.

The REAL State of the Union address: You heard the President's rosy tale, now hear the truth. How bad is it? WATCH

Message of Good! Darkness has been creeping across the country for far too long while we have sat idly by. The time for being asleep and silent is over. It's time to rebuild our families, communities, cities, states, and our country. Fixing our country isn't about "yes we can" or even "yes I can," it's about "yes I will." It's time to spread the light. Expect Us.

Do you want to be Jar Jar Binks?
You can always count on Glenn to bring everything back to Star Wars - even the possible end of the country as we know it. While discussing last night's State of the Union address, Glenn and the radio crew couldn't help but notice the stunning parallels between the Star Wars prequels and Barack Obama's call to consolidate bureaucracy under the Executive Office. Pat even added some of the Star Wars music to the speech to show just how spooky the scene compared to last night's events. Of course, this led to a huge discussion over whether Jar Jar Binks was ultimately responsible for the fall of the Galactic Republic - but the comparisons are pretty strong. WATCH

Shocking Report: 91% Americans unprepared to survive disasters 

FEMA is broke and first responders are overwhelmed by the surge in natural disasters.Now you face 23 likely risks to your survival from disasters, terror attacks and unrest.You MUST prepare to survive. FREE Report reveals a simple, proven and affordable plan

Sponsor Message

Glenn's passionate defense of man's freedom: How would George Washington have reacted to difficult times? Glenn explains. Want to be more like Washington? Take the George Washington challenge.

Mercury promotes Carolyn Polke to SVP Digital! Check out the release HERE

Glenn's Comedy Tour Pre-Sale: Glenn's hitting the road this spring with his most outrageous, outspoken, and laugh-out-loud funny comedy tour yet -- Unelectable 2. If you're a GBTV subscriber these tickets are available to you now. Glenn is making stops in 6 different cities beginning this March. GBTV subscribers get your tickets now. The public on sale begins this Friday. 

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