Thursday, November 11, 2010

Glenn interviews (barely) living legend Don Imus

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November 11, 2010

On Today's Program

TIME person of the year: Glenn Beck?

A pretty amazing acknowledgement, BUT just like Time completely ignored the Tea Party in 2009 for their 'Year in Pictures' piece, they've been ignored again this time around. Who does Time give credit to for America's massive rightward move? "The Unemployed American" who they claim went to the polls because of the Obama administration's attempts at economic recovery. Uhhhh, 6 out of 10 voters were TEA PARTY members! The media still doesn't get it. ( Transcript, Insider Audio) Check out the full list (and vote on it) HERE.

Glenn interviews Don Imus

Glenn spoke with Don Imus in the studio today for a half hour of can't miss radio. The pair hurled insults back and forth at each other and gave the audience a sneak peek at their bizarre 'who-can-get-the-best-insult' style friendship. Imus has a new CD out, "The Imus Ranch Record II" - a collection of huge artists putting their twist on some of America's classic country songs. Proceeds from this special CD benefit the Imus Cattle Ranch for Kids with Cancer. Get your copy HERE and listen to part of the strangely combative yet simultaneously reverent interview on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme  CLIP) Want access to the full interview? Sign up for Insider Extreme now and watch the entire interview from the second hour  on demand!

Socialist MSNBC host defends his socialism

Lawrence O'Donnell is proud to be a socialist and bravely defended the claim during a segment on MSNBC that was watched by at least 7 people. O'Donnell makes the brilliant argument that since there is Social Security, Glenn and everyone else in America are socialists. Oh, snap! That's some serious intellectualization, dude. Glenn plays the audio on radio today. ( Transcript, Insider Audio, FREE Insider Extreme Clip)

How much can one man do?

Don't miss TV tonight for the final installment of a 3 day focus on George Soros, the man Glenn refers to as the Puppet Master. Last night on TV Glenn showed you just how far and wide Soros has spread his influence (watch HERE) and it's shocking what this one man has been able to change. Glenn talks about part 3 of Soros on radio today ( Transcript, Insider Audio)


  • Don't just take Glenn's word for it - do the research for yourself. Here are all the research notes on George Soros. ( READ)
  • Yet another example of how Soros dabbles in overthrowing regimes - here is the story of how he interfered in Kenya, and it didn't end well. Read this exclusive op-ed to the Glenn Beck email newsletter by The Shadow Party author Richard Poe. ( READ)

Obama disses America overseas...AGAIN. Find out what he said in the latest Beck Talks video blog. WATCH 

Insider Extreme: Don’t forget to tune in for a brand new full length Beck University class next Wednesday at 8pm. It will explore how Andrew Jackson almost destroyed the Republic and how Abraham Lincoln restored it. Insider Extreme members can catch up on past classes and Extra Credit classes On Demand now! 
Great Beck gear for only $15! Check out the Fall T-shirt sale this week only HERE.

TV Tonight: The final day of the Puppet Master George Soros. Everything you need to know - and what you can do about it. Don't miss tonight at 5pm only on the Fox News Channel.

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