On Today's Program Tonight on GBTV: Greece is on fire, and the rest of Europe is on the brink of collapse
could America be next? European Parliament member, Daniel Hannan, who gave a fiery speech warning America not to follow Europe's path this past weekend at CPAC, will be on the program to discuss America's current direction. Hannan will talk to Glenn about the path America's current leaders are leading us down, and what we can do to turn things around before it is too late. Live at 5pm ET or on demand only on GBTV. Tonight on Real News from The Blaze: Is the violence in Syria leaving the door open for a new threat from Al Qaeda? The terrorist organization may be trying to reconstitute itself on the back of civilian unrest. Find out tonight live at 7pm ET or on demand! EXCLUSIVE: Baseball star Josh Hamilton grants first one-on-one interview to GBTV following his relapse Glenn spoke with Pastor James Robison on radio today about the relapse of MLB star Josh Hamilton, who admitted recently to drinking again in what he described as a 'weak moment.' Hamilton will give his first interview exclusively on GBTV tomorrow live at 5pm ET to talk about what happened and where to go from here. PLUS Glenn talks about the bartenders on radio today - should they have given him a drink? Check out the debate. Glenn v. Bill O'Reilly Glenn had another appearance on the Factor last night and the pair discussed news of the day, including the Catholic church vs Obama battle. Glenn, wielding a velvet coat & pipe, tried his best to convince the King of Cable that there was indeed a war on faith. O'Reilly disagreed. Who's right?  Living through collapse: Greeks resort to eating out of trash cans The New York Times has an in-depth report on what life is like for the ordinary citizen living in Greece as the economy comes crashing to the ground. Glenn has been warning people to be prepared for anything, and he's been getting mocked in the process. What are the Greek people suddenly finding valuable? HINT: Pretty much everything on Glenn's preparation list. MORE Public policy poll shows Rick Santorum leads Romney nationally by 15 points But that's just one poll, so says an angry Ron Paul supporter! And they would be correct, however, the RCP average of several polls has Santorum in the lead by 1.6% nationally. Quite a stunning comeback from a candidate who was under 5% for 47 weeks. Glenn has more on the continuing Santorum surge on radio today. WATCH Planned Parenthood still using eugenicist's talking point 100 yrs later Jan Schakowsky and Mika Brzezinski have both recently come out commenting on the recent Obamacare contraception mandates being forced onto the Catholic Church, saying it's a matter of "women's health," not just religious freedom. Sound familiar? It should. It's the same talking point the progressives used one hundred years ago, but instead of Obamacare and Planned Parenthood, it was Margaret Sanger and Planned Parenthood... Life off the Grid: Frank decides it's time the family learns something new through the practice of an old-time trade in an all new episode of Independence USA. Watch Frank as he apprentices with two master blacksmiths. Will the family see the merit of being able to make their own metal tools? How will Frank keep his modern tools powered with or without electricity? Check out a PREVIEW and don't miss the all new episode live on Wednesday at 8pm ET (or on demand) only on GBTV Plus - start your free trial! Glenn is hitting the road! Tickets for the 'Unelectable II' comedy tour are on sale now! Join Glenn for an unforgettable night of comedy in a city near you -- Tampa, Raleigh, Phoenix, San Diego, Oklahoma City and Charleston. Get your tickets today! |
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