Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Here's how you can stop Obama's attack on faith

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February 15, 2012
On Today's Program

Josh Hamilton on GBTV TONIGHT: Texas Rangers' star player Josh Hamilton's battle against drug & alcohol addiction is well known. He relapsed a couple of weeks ago and has since avoided the media. Tonight Josh gives his first interview since the incident - live at 5pm ET (or on demand) exclusively on GBTV - start your free trial

How can you help? Glenn announces 'We are all Catholics Now' movement as attack intensifies  
The Obama administration has not backed down on its attack on faith and conscience, instead giving a non-concession concession in their push to mandate birth control & abortion coverage. Senator Roy Blunt (R) has added an amendment to the Highway Transportation bill that would allow employers to decide whether they want to cover contraception or not. What can you do? It's easy -- time to hit the switchboards. Phone numbers in the link - CLICK HERE & CALL.

GRAPHIC VIDEO: How Planned Parenthood gets kids hooked on sex
Planned Parenthood was founded by a crazy woman who believed she had the perfect way to breed the perfect race. Just stop all the 'undesirables' from breeding and kill the unborn of those who breed anyway. Now it's portrayed by the media as the shining light of humanity, the lone protector of women's rights, the only way to stop the spread of disease. That's odd because looking at their 'educational' videos it seems an awful lot like child pornography. Think grandpa could get away with showing his pre-teen kids these videos? WARNING: GRAPHIC.

More Big Brother: Lunch police remove student's turkey sandwich because it wasn't a healthy enough choice. They replaced the sandwich, obviously, with chicken nuggets - one of America's healthiest foods #not. DETAILS

Oops: Obama's new OMB declares Obamacare unconstitutional - STORY.

Save Energy, save money and stay warm! has a deal to provide your family with the warm and safe heat of Elite Heat while cutting your heating costs at the same time. With Elite Heat you're getting a beautiful, furniture grade wood cabinet heater with an elegant black finish. Get 46% off Elite Heat and protect yourself from winter's chill. Find all of the details at

Shameful: Martin Bashir compares Santorum to Stalin in lazy, sleazy hit piece
As Stu pointed out on radio today this shouldn't be a surprise coming from the intellectual powerhouse that is Martin Bashir, but still, even for him this was quite a pathetic segment. It was so bad it actually made Rick Sanchez and his 4th grade education look genius in comparison. Glenn listens to the clip and explains what should happen to someone who has broadcasting standards this low. WATCH

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Tonight on Real News: New polling suggests most Americans do not view China as an ally. After this week's meeting between President Obama and China's new leader, will the administration? Don't miss Real News from The Blaze, tonight live at 7pm ET (or on demand) only on GBTV. 

Life off the Grid: Frank decides it's time the family learns something new through the practice of an old-time trade in an all new episode of Independence USA.  Watch Frank as he apprentices with two master blacksmiths. Will the family see the merit of being able to make their own metal tools?  How will Frank keep his modern tools powered with or without electricity? Check out a PREVIEW and don't miss the all new episode live TONIGHT at 8pm ET (or on demand) only on GBTV Plus. Watch past episodes HERE.

Duct Tape Alert: Sheila Jackson Lee can't recall anyone ever attacking a President 
Sheila Jackson Lee unleashed one of the dumber, if not the dumbest, attacks on the GOP this week when she claimed that Republicans don't want to do any work, want to help 'no one,' and of course want to take away 'love & charity' from society just for the pure satisfaction of beating Obama. She couldn't think of one time in history when a President has been criticized this much. Glenn helps refresh Lee's memory on radio today.
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