| February 06, 2012 | | On Today's Program Tonight on GBTV: Glenn has the latest media negligence on the Occupy movement -- the violence that's been swept under the rug, the violence that continues, and the violence we are going to see this spring and summer. Don't miss Glenn tonight at 5pm only on GBTV!
Real News: While the world was focused on the Super Bowl this weekend, half a world away the violence in Syria and crackdowns against Syrian citizens reached alarming levels. Tonight the Real News team will discuss what's going on with Syria, the U.N., how this differs from Libya, and more
Don't miss Real News from The Blaze tonight at 7pm ET on GBTV.
Guess: What was Glenn's fav Super Bowl commercial? Cute dogs, funny Star Wars references, babies grabbing Doritos -- there were plenty of great ads this Super Bowl. But is anyone really surprised that Glenn's favorite commercial was the one with the apocalypse theme? Yep, Glenn loved the Chevy ad where the only ones who survived the 2012 apocalypse were a few guys driving their Chevy trucks. It was a funny ad and very well done - get Glenn's reaction and check out some of the better ads HERE.
Ginsburg - Don't look to U.S. for a Constitution Is it too much for a United States Supreme Court Justice to have a little reverence for the Constitution of the United States? Apparently that's the case for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, who on a visit to the Middle East was asked if Egypt should model the United States Constitution when setting up theirs. Her response was a disturbing 'no' -- who did she think Egypt should model and what does the Justice think about our Constitution? Prepare to be offended.
 It all began with soap support a family business today: Markdown.com has a 12 piece Sweetheart Gift Set from Softwater Soapworks right now! You'll get 40% off 5 pairs of solid perfumes and lip balms with fragrances and flavors she'll love. Each set comes in a colorful gift box and will ship to deliver just in time for Valentine's Day! Visit Markdown.com for details.
'Occupy Oakland' protester kills parents Judging by the overall reporting by the media it would seem the biggest issue they see with the Occupy teen protester who strangled his parents is not that he was hanging out with revolutionaries at Occupy - no no - it was that he was adopted. So of course this kid had issues -- nothing to do with the crazy revolutionaries who want to blow stuff up, rape, assault, steal and kill. Couldn't be that - obviously the adoption ordeal is the root cause here. Glenn reacts to the story on radio today.
Julian Assange goes to work for "KGB mouthpiece" Russia Today When WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange initially threatened to do a massive doc dump which promised to be damaging to the Russians, he had to know he was going to be paid a visit by -- the Russians. They have a pattern of 'silencing' (read: murdering) journalists and others who damage Russia in one way, shape or form. Assange never did release the Russian docs -- instead, he now works for the Russian propaganda network RT News. Apparently Assange enjoys living more than doc dumping -- Glenn reacts on radio today. | | Shocking Report: 91% Americans unprepared to survive disasters
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Homeschooling in Sweden under fire Far left politicians are advocating for stricter laws to allow government the ability to more easily 'intervene' when children are 'kept away from school by their parents - often for religious or ideological reasons,' according to Swedish newspaper reports. This type of Eurocentrism has a pattern of seeping into American culture - will we see similar assaults on those who choose to homeschool? Glenn reacts on radio today.
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