| February 13, 2012 | | On Today's Program Tonight on GBTV: Greece is on fire, Soros says another Great Depression is coming, and Van Jones is back. All of that, along with Bill Ayer's take on Ron Paul, the attack on faith, and more. Don't miss The Glenn Beck Program live at 5pm ET, or watch it on demand only on GBTV! Check out Glenn's preview!
Real News from The Blaze: Do you know the truth behind the United Nations program known as Agenda 21? The panel discusses the controversial, 20-year-old program and other stories missed by the mainstream media live at 7pm ET (or on demand) only on GBTV.
Whitney Houston story is 'one of the most tragic' ever Glenn reacts on radio to the shocking news over the weekend that Whitney Houston had died at the age of 48. Given Houston's exploits with drugs over the years it's not entirely unthinkable that an OD would occur, and that seems to be what happened so far. So why does Glenn think Houston's death is even more tragic than most? He explains on radio today.
Former Victoria Secret Model, Kylie Bisutti, to be on GBTV! While flying back to NYC, Glenn's wife informed him he received a 'Happy Birthday' tweet from former Victoria's Secret model, Kylie Bisutti--a first on many levels. The first Victoria Secret model to openly admit being a fan of Glenn's show, and the first time a Victoria Secret model tweeted 'Happy Birthday' (or anything else) to Glenn. Bisutti will be on The Glenn Beck Program next week to talk about her career, and her decision to walk away from her modeling contract due to her Christian faith. DETAILS  Obama launches 'Truth Teams' eerily reminiscent of Woodrow Wilson's propaganda squads DETAILS.
Greece on Fire This headline is becoming more and more commonplace and with Greece's unemployment now topping 20% (having gone up 7% in about a year) you can most likely expect more. The lesson to be learned from Greece's woes? Be thankful you don't live there, yes -- but realize we are headed down the same path. Get Glenn's reaction to the latest round of violence in Greece on radio today. WATCH
MTP: No working women, eh Santorum? Once again the media does its best to distract people from noticing that President Barack Obama is doing a really, really crappy job as President. Economy still lagging? Gas prices still soaring? Civil unrest rising? Nah. The media actually asked Rick Santorum if he'd ban working moms from his administration. Get the exchange and Glenn's reaction.
Glenn Beck is going on tour! Tickets for the 'Unelectable II' comedy tour are on sale now! Join Glenn for an unforgettable night of comedy in a city near you -- Tampa, Raleigh, Phoenix, San Diego, Oklahoma City and Charleston. Get your tickets today! | |  | Have a Backup Plan and SAVE! Purchase 3 Survival Seed Vaults for LESS than 1 of our competitors as insurance against a natural disaster, food shortage or for barter! Ask about our "Safe Seed Pledge" too HERE! Featured Sponsor | | | Stu reports from Westminster Dog Show: Economies are melting down, celebs are dying, America is about to re-elect a Marxist President - but Stu has the most important assignment of all and the event on everybody's mind: The Westminster Dog Show. A totally serious report here.
CPAC: Daniel Hannan's warning to America: During his rousing speech at CPAC, European Parliament member, Daniel Hannan warns America not to "repeat our mistakes
Europe is a grizzly image of the future towards which your present rulers are intent on taking you
Stick to the principles on which the republic was founded." Watch the full speech and an exclusive interview from CPAC this weekend.
George Lucas needs to be tried for movie crimes This past week was the 8,913th different Star Wars release - this time it was Star Wars in 3D. Glenn marveled today at how Lucas is routinely able to rope people into re-watching a movie they've already seen a thousand times, and he had an especially troubling revelation: Star Wars Episode I is a terrible, terrible movie. Glenn explains why Lucas should be held on movie crimes charges... WATCH | | | | | |
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