On Today's Program Tonight on GBTV: The shocking Obama record on faith. His past words reveal something much worse than just a bad policy that's hurting the Catholics. Don't miss Glenn tonight on GBTV!
Allies? Report says U.S. 'neutral' on Israel Israel has been one of, if not the most important ally in the history of The United States. The relationship has been almost a sacred bond between the two nations - until now. To demonstrate just how bad it's gotten -- a report that America was now merely 'neutral' in its stance towards Israel was actually met with a sarcastic positive reaction on radio today. Truth is this administration is vehemently anti-Israel in its policies and it is helping lead to the rise of a scary movement in the Middle East. Glenn gives the latest on radio today.
Glenn interviews Surging Santorum Senator Santorum grabbed the spotlight and the momentum away from both Mitt Romney and especially Newt Gingrich. So it's time to expect the microscope to zoom in a little closer on Santorum and the attacks to start coming with a little more frequency. One Glenn noticed today was the story about how pastors were 'laying hands' on Santorum in prayer. Of course, media elites think this is craaaaazy town so they post it to mock. Glenn talks about that and more -- check out the interview.
Disruption: Muslim Brotherhood leads call to prayer during Egyptian parliament One of the members of the radical Muslim Brotherhood decided to interrupt a session of parliament and try to issue the Muslim call to prayer. It did not go over well as it was not the appropriate time for prayer and he was reprimanded several times by the leader of the session. Will this be a tipping point in Egypt and a sign of things to come? The Brotherhood is already demanding the 'caretaker of the cabinet' get fired and replaced with a Brotherhood member. See the video and get Glenn's reaction.  Do you know what "American Pie" is really about? Here's a clue -- it's not all about Buddy Holly. History tends to only look back on the late 60's and 70's as a peaceful time of flower power and hippies sitting around harming no one. Of course, that's not the case. Some pretty awful stuff happened during the radical uprising of the 60's -- including one vicious stabbing murder that happened a mere 20 feet in front of Mick Jagger during a concert. And it's all caught on tape. Glenn explains on radio today.
It's that time of year again: CPAC is here. Check out this stirring trailer that will get you pumped up about beating Obama in November WATCH.
WATCH: March 1st, SDS call to action Radicals all across the country are getting ready for their annual national day of action and it's being led by the Students for a Democratic Society, better known as SDS. By now you are aware of SDS's long and storied history of angry, violent and deadly protests and the many radical leaders who still influence young students across America today. Check out the latest call to action and Glenn's commentary.
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