Monday, October 3, 2011

Which celeb seriously called for beheading bankers?

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October 03, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: The truth about the Occupy Wall Street protests that the media can't quite figure out. PLUS a very, very special appearance from Bill O'Reilly! Don't miss it tonight at 5pm only on GBTV!
New Children's Programming block for GBTV Plus members - Liberty Treehouse
This new program for the younger set, hosted by GBTV's Raj Nair, debuts today and airs weekdays from 4-5pm ET.  Liberty Treehouse is a destination for the after school crowd featuring segments designed to entertain while they inform.  An illuminating, engaging, electronic magazine that explores the world through the prism of the next generation.  The whys and wherefores of the day's news – the things the grownups are talking about – and a look at the places where the news is unfolding.  History, Science, Video Games, and The Arts - sliced, diced, and discussed like no other show on TV or anywhere else.  All that, plus a look at classic episodes of the TV shows that mom and dad, maybe even grandpa and grandma considered "must see." All episodes will be available on demand - start your GBTV Plus free trial and get total access. 
Business Insider interviews Glenn:  Glenn Beck on the Future of Television – WATCH
Roseanne Barr: Re-education camps or the Guillotine 
Yup, Roseanne Barr actually said that it's time to behead the bankers -- and the crazy part is she really meant it! In an interview on the almost as sane as Roseanne - Russian Today TV network, Barr made the claim that bankers must be willing to give up their wealth - if not they would face re-education camps. If that didn't work? Off with their heads! Maybe this would be easier to ignore if Bill Ayers' group hadn't said the same exact thing. The disturbing audio on radio today. WATCH
Extremely dangerous people in Wall Street movement: "Government has to use force" 
The clueless media continues to try and paint the dopes protesting on Wall Street as some sort of heroic pillars of society who must be glorified for their bravery. The reality is far less appealing - communist hippies who hate everything about America and want to fundamentally transform it. How is it that the Tea Parties were ruthlessly scrutinized for their signs yet no one is concerned about the dangerous clashes and confrontations these radicals are having with police? Glenn has more on radio today. WATCH
Uh-oh! Look who's on the cover of Human Events latest issue: Everyone's favorite portly pasty white multi-faceted and multi-chinned host...Glenn Beck! Great story which you can read in full HERE
Americans Need Jobs, Not More Immigration

Did you know that millions of illegal aliens are taking up valuable jobs that Americans can and will do? By getting tough on illegal immigration we can immediately create millions of new jobs that can help get this economy back on its feet. For more information check out
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Put it all together: Glenn plays a shocking montage of Marxist/Socialist audio - the people surrounding this President and the people on the forefront of policies and how they feel about socialism and Marxism – LISTEN.
Frances Fox Piven at Occupy Wall Street; mindless zombies repeat everything (everything)
We shared some incredible video with you last week of idiotic Occupy Wall Street protesters mindlessly chanting whatever Cornel West said. This time, the protesters wanted to show off their intellectual prowess. Take a look at what happens when Frances Fox Piven (wait - wasn't she supposedly busy baking cookies and generally being peaceful?) showed up to incite the crowd. Prepare to vomit when watching this clip. WATCH
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