Monday, October 17, 2011

TX students forced to recite Mexican national anthem, pledge of allegiance (video)

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October 17, 2011
On Today's Program

TONGIHT on GBTV: Critical thinking: Glenn presents a series of questions for anyone supporting the Occupy Wall Street protests to answer. Don't miss tonight's show live at 5pm ET.
What happened to Glenn on The O'Reilly Factor?
Glenn appeared on The O'Reilly Factor last week and explained in detail the forces behind the Occupy Wall Street movement. Bill O'Reilly called it a 'compelling case' that radical Marxist revolutionaries are the driving force behind OWS. Geraldo appeared later on that same episode of The Factor and without any facts declared 'I don't buy it'. Check out the audio and Glenn's response on radio today. WATCH
Wednesday: Glenn will be laying out the truth behind the Occupy Wall Street protests -- All the facts in their own words. Make sure you tune in to GBTV this Wednesday. 
Show me your friends and I'll show you your future 
Pretty much everyone heard that warning from their parents at some time in their life and with good reason - the advice stands the test of time.  So who is standing in solidarity with the Occupy Wall Street movement? Would you be surprised if it were Communists? Nazis? Find out HERE.
Van Jones still a commie? 
Despite being forced to resign his White House position in disgrace for being a 9/11 truther, Van Jones is still playing an influential role in the national dialogue. Van Jones, a self described communist, has never actually denounced communism. He's dropped the radical pose for the radical ends -- more evidence? The Communist Party recently attended his American Dream conference series and sang his praises. WATCH.
Blaze Exclusive: Texas High School students made to recite Mexican National Anthem, Pledge of Allegiance
A high school student refused to participate in a bizarre class assignment that required students to recite the Mexican pledge and national anthem. She said it had nothing to do with learning Spanish and decided to video the incident. The Blaze has the exclusive and disturbing video -- watch it and get Glenn's reaction HERE.
The Staggering Cost of Illegal Immigration

Do you know how much illegal immigration cost your state? How about nationally? While America struggles to address its employment and economic situation, we continue to finance our illegal immigration problem. Click HERE to find out what you can do to end illegal immigration. 

Sponsor Message
See Glenn! Glenn will be making stops in Columbus, OH; Knoxville and Jackson, TN; New Orleans and San Antonio beginning next Thursday October 27th. Get the details on all the events HERE.
UPDATE: More on the Iranian Terror plot. Check out the interview from radio HERE.
Introducing Family Book Club Night THIS THURSDAY!  
MICHAEL VEY, the #1 NYT bestseller from Glenn's publishing company, is our first book selection. Join Glenn and author Richard Paul Evans this Thursday on October 20th at 6p ET for a FREE web event live from the GBTV studios. They'll take questions from you and your kids and even give you a special sneak peek at the sequel!  Be sure to visit on Thursday for a link of the live event. 
Israeli docs helping Arab kids? 
If you watch the MSM then you'd think this is an impossible concept - they think Jews are bombing innocent children, not helping them. Amy Holmes has the amazing report from Israel about Save a Child's Heart (SACH) - an Israeli based international humanitarian project - which helps kids from developing countries, no matter their background. Watch it HERE.
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