Friday, October 7, 2011

Pelosi's laughable take on protesters

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October 07, 2011
On Today's Program

Tonight on GBTV: Missed last night's special broadcast on the history and future of the Muslim Brotherhood? Unbelievable show - this is a must see episode and is available on demand at GBTV. And don't miss the top stories from the week as Scott Baker hosts "Off the Record" today at 5pm ET only on GBTV!
Nancy Pelosi: Occupy Wall Street is "young", "spontaneous", "focused"
One out of three isn't bad. Young? Yup. But spontaneous and focused? Uh, no and NO. Pelosi pandered to the OWS crowd declaring 'God Bless' the protesters. Glenn would refute Pelosi's assessment of the situation - but he doesn't have to. Check out this amazing audio interview of one of the OWS leaders - she nukes Pelosi all on her own. WATCH.
Stu destroys Jon Stewart: Slams comedian/wannabe politician's latest lazy attempt at a political point -- check out the Stu Blog HERE.
I am the 53%: An actual grassroots counter protest growing. Are you part of the 53%? Find out HERE.  
What are 'Google Jews'??
Despite media glorification of the OWS protests, the people on the ground are revealing a lot about who they are and what they are all about. Glenn has the audio of the protesters who obviously aren't too fond of America (they say 'America kills') but also aren't that fond of the Jewish people. Check out this OWS protester and the latest anti-Semitic protester who warned of 'Google Jews' and their power. MORE.

Stunning Video: Montage of politician after politician calling for Marxist policies in America. Watch & share!! 
Even conservative schools indoctrinate? 
Thought your kid was safe from indoctrination going to a notoriously conservative school? As Glenn Beck Program co-host Pat Gray found out, that's not always the case. Pat tells the story on radio today about how one of his kids at a supposedly conservative school began showing signs that leftists were beginning to have a little too much influence. What did Pat do? Find out HERE.
Glenn interviews star of the movie 'Courageous' 
A few years ago, Sherwood Baptist Church decided to spend $20,000 to make a movie about faith and life. The results have been nothing short of miraculous. You may remember the films Facing the Giants and Fireproof - both were major box office successes in their own right. They are at it again and are on track to have their biggest hit yet with Courageous which (despite limited theater release) finished 5th overall at the Box Office. Glenn speaks with star of the film and associate pastor at Sherwood, Alex Kendrick. Check out the interview HERE.
Today's Markdown from SUNHEAT gives you a great way to keep your family warm this winter while bringing down heating costs at the same time. With colder temperatures just around the corner, it's not too early to start thinking about winterizing your home. And at the Markdown price of $174, you're saving over $100 from typical space heaters. Get yours today, Visit 
ICYMI: The Truth about the Muslim Brotherhood
Last night Glenn laid out the history of the Muslim Brotherhood, their agenda, and showed you their own words. What is it they want to accomplish? Should the White House be meeting with this group? Are they merely a 'secular' and 'political' group like the White House says? Glenn answers those questions and more -- Check out a FREE clip from the show HERE. The full episode is available on demand at GBTV.
Doomed: Post Office solution? More junk mail
If anyone wasn't sure why the Post Office is losing $8 billion a year, their latest solution should give some indication why they are floundering. Facing massive and increasing deficits the genius thinkers at the Post Office have come up with a solution. The future of their business will now depend on -- more junk mail. Yup, not making it up - that's the new plan. More junk. Get the FULL STORY.
Vandals hit Joseph's tomb: The Blaze has the story of how vandals have hit the site of Joseph's tomb in Israel -- hmmm, wonder who could be the culprit? STORY
In college and want to be a part of the live audience? On GBTV this coming Tuesday at 5pm we will have top professors teaching college students how to fight back against the liberal attacks coming from Occupy Wall Street.  If you are in college - you don't want to miss this show. Want to be a part of the live audience in NYC? Email your name, college, and phone number to and we will contact you with all the details. 
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