| October 28, 2011 | | On Today's Program Occupy Chicago protester: let's collapse government A member of the teachers union who attended the Occupy Chicago rally recently had some shocking opinions on fixing America. He is a retired teacher and is 'earning' almost $8,000 a month in pension & benefits, which would explain why he has all the time in the world to sit around and protest. Despite his cushy situation, he openly states he wants to 'collapse' the government of the United States in order to achieve his socialist/communist utopia. Get all the details HERE. MSNBC host gets humiliated by Occupy Oakland protester Earlier this week MSNBC host Larry O'Donnell was doing his best to vilify the Oakland PD as heartless monsters who for no reason at all decided to use brutal force on innocent protesters. During an interview with one of the protesters, O'Donnell lobs her a softball question and doesn't get the answer he hoped for when the protester explains who started the violence. WATCH THE SNOW ANGEL: Has your family or someone you know suffered from an abusive relationship? The Snow Angel is fiction but is based on Glenn's own childhood. How can the cycle of abuse be stopped? It starts with personal revolution -- get your copy of The Snow Angel now! | |  | IRONY ALERT: OWS denying homeless people food The 'Kitchen staff' at Occupy Wall Street are apparently upset that all their hard work is going to homeless people who sit around and do nothing all day. While that irony marinates for a few moments let's focus on the fact that OWS has a kitchen 'staff' slaving away 18 hours a day. Who is providing that? And the menu is quite impressive - something the 1% would eat. Glenn, Pat & Stu have a field day mocking the Bolognese Revolution. WATCH & Share! FLASHBACK: Media Matters says St. Louis Cardinals under 'Beck Curse' for Pujols & La Russa attending 8/28. The Cardinals look anything but cursed after completing yet another historic comeback. MORE. Don't miss GBTV on Monday! This Monday, it's the scariest show ever! Glenn unearths the spooky scenarios America faces. Things go from bad to worse. Find out Monday at 5pm only on GBTV. | |  | Instilling work ethic in your children: Glenn interviewed the author of The Entitlement Trap on GBTV last night. Great discussion on parenting and the challenges of raising children in a world that fosters a sense of entitlement. Both The Entitlement Trap and The Three Deceivers are available for 40% off at Markdown.com for a limited time only - get both books now and start applying them to your life and the lives of your children. | | | | Egomaniacs? OWS prepares for 'Valley Forge moment' As the cold season approaches and the temperatures fall the egos of the Occupy Wall Street protesters grow. They are preparing for the cold weather by consulting homeless people and others on how to survive the cold weather (seriously) and described the coming bout with cold weather as their 'Valley Forge moment.' To summarize: OWS hanging out in a city with thousands of public places with heat, food, bathrooms, etc. is equal to George Washington & his men preparing for battle during the American Revolutionary War (Vomit!). Glenn's reaction HERE. Do you have an E-Reader like a Kindle, Nook or iPad? Sign up for Glenn's new e-book email list and be the first to find out about exclusive specials and discounts on e-books from Glenn, Mercury Ink, and other books we love. Sign up HERE. Glenn debates firefighter re: pensions Glenn took a call from a firefighter today who doesn't like it when people bash those who receive public pensions (firefighters, teachers, police officers) -- he and Glenn engage in a cordial debate that most people never bother to engage in. Check out the conversation HERE. | | | | |
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