| October 21, 2011 | | On Today's Program 50% off TODAY ONLY on Glenn's latest book! Glenn's new novel THE SNOW ANGEL comes out next Tuesday. It's a book that is so much more than just a story it's the bookend to The Christmas Sweater and will have a lasting impact on you. Glenn said on radio today it is the best story he has ever told. One of family, forgiveness and the freedom to live a future free of the past. We've teamed with goHastings.com TODAY ONLY to offer the novel at 50% offjust $10.50. Just enter promo code BECK during checkout. Order yours today. Tonight on GBTV: Scott Baker covers the latest from Occupy Wall Street and The Blaze panel goes in-depth on the top stories of the week. Don't miss the great discussion at 5pm only on GBTV! Missed last night's show? It's now available on demand and FREE for everyone. Last night's show focused on your kids - what they are up against and how to combat it. Plus the first edition of family book club night. Watch the full episode for free HERE. Obama announces complete drawdown of U.S. Troops in Iraq by year's end - DETAILS. Glenn nailed it: CAIR joins OWS Remember that time when Glenn was called crazy for predicting radical Islam, socialists/communists & anarchists would unite to destabilize and dismantle capitalism? Everyone said that was crazy talk and Glenn was of course mercilessly raked over the coals for saying so. Well, chalk another one up for the old crazy talker Glenn Beck - CAIR has now fallen in line with the Marxists, Communists and anarchists down at Occupy Wall Street. Glenn has all the details on radio today. WATCH | |  | The 'best' of America? OWS: Run the Jews out of the country - Man caught sniffing girls feet in tent
- 19 y/o claims she was raped in her tent
- 99%ers defecating on private property
- "Jews have been run out of 109 countries and they need to be run out of this one" SHOCK AUDIO: Glenn takes particular issue with this one and plays the incredible audio on radio today of the OWS organizer who refuses to denounce the outrageously bigoted remarks by the Occupy L.A. protester who called for running the Jews out of the country. Shocking audio you should hear and pass it on to everyone you know. WATCH
Monday's Show on GBTV: Glenn will be laying out the truth behind the Occupy Wall Street protests -- The radical roots of the revolution. The money, the movement, the mayhem. You can't afford to miss Monday's show. Check out a preview HERE. 53% vs. 99% - The ridiculous sob stories from the 99% vs. the life stories of the 53% everyone should see... DETAILS. It's the end of the world... again Doomsday prediction guru Harold Camping was wrong back in May when he predicted the end of the world would come. He brushed off the incorrect prediction and said the real end of the world would come 5 months later on October 21st. If you are reading this email message then once again, Camping was wrong. Get the details from radio today. | |  | Start Your Morning Off Right. . . Buttered toast and fresh coffee, is there a better way to start your morning? With Markdown.com, you'll taste the best of both with a Red Fusion coffee maker and toaster set. You'll get two great breakfast appliances for one low price. Visit Markdown.com for details. | | | | GBTV is now on Boxee! A new way to watch all your GBTV programming live or on demand right on your TV. Enter to win a FREE Boxee Box and a 1 year GBTV Plus subscription get all the details HERE. Glenn Beck interview: Franklin Graham joins the program to talk about his dad's new book, Nearing Home: Life, Faith, and Finishing Well which starts out with the line "I never thought I would live to be this old" ... Check out the interview from radio today. WATCH Steve Jobs prediction: Obama headed for 'one term presidency' An amazing story from The Blaze today about a new book that reveals some pretty eye opening commentary about Obama from Steve Jobs. The genius behind Apple was not at all pleased with the non-friendly business climate Obama had created and told the President he's headed for a one term presidency. Ouch. There's much more and The Blaze has it all. FULL STORY HERE. WH responds to Biden's rape card: "You can focus on the words or you can focus on the facts" ... Only problem with that is that Biden's facts are completely bogus. Glenn, Pat & Stu have more on radio today. WATCH Is Glenn coming to your city? Glenn will be making stops in Columbus, OH; Knoxville and Jackson, TN; New Orleans and San Antonio beginning next Thursday, October 27th. Get the details on all the events HERE. | | | | |
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